Annie Lennard Primary School

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About Annie Lennard Primary School

Name Annie Lennard Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Natalie Crozier
Address The Oval, Smethwick, B67 6LE
Phone Number 01214294284
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 230
Local Authority Sandwell
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are at the heart of all that the school does. Pupils and their families benefit from the positive relationships that they form with staff. Parents and carers appreciate the caring and supportive environment at the school.

This helps pupils to thrive socially and emotionally. As a result, pupils feel happy.

The school has high expectations for all pupils.

Pupils meet these aspirations and achieve well. Pupils are proud of their school and would highly recommend it.

Pupils are friendly and polite.

They are respectful and kind to one another and to the adults in school. Pupils understand the school routines and behave well in lessons and... at playtimes. They enjoy the rewards and the 'gold cards' that they receive for following the school rules and working hard.

The school provides pupils with experiences that broaden their understanding of and outlook on the world. Pupils take part in after-school clubs, such as multi-sports and art. They enjoy taking part in national singing events and residential visits.

Pupils are proud of the way they contribute to the school. For example, the playground buddies support children in the playground.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has reviewed and revised the curriculum.

The key knowledge and skills that pupils should learn is identified and carefully ordered to help pupils learn more over time. In most subjects, staff regularly check pupils' learning and use the information that they gather to adapt future teaching. However, in a few subjects, where the curriculum is relatively new, the school is in the process of developing its approach to assessing what pupils know and remember.

In these subjects, teachers do not have an accurate picture of pupils' achievement.Reading has a high profile in the school. Right from the start of the early years, children are immersed in high-quality books and stories.

Phonics is taught consistently well. This ensures that children get off to a strong start in learning to read. Staff carefully check the letters and sounds that pupils know and ensure that, if any pupils fall behind, they receive the support they need to catch up.

Pupils read books that match the sounds they know and have learned. This helps them to read with increasing fluency and confidence. As pupils move through the school, their love of reading grows.

They enjoy the range of books that the school provides.Staff get to know pupils well, which means that they are alert to their individual needs, including pupils with SEND. Pupils with complex needs receive bespoke support.

Adaptations to tasks and additional resources help most pupils complete the work set. However, this is less well developed in some subjects and, therefore, gaps in learning are sometimes missed. When this happens, pupils do not achieve as well as they could.

Expectations for the way that pupils behave and conduct themselves are clear and consistent. Pupils' behaviour in classrooms and around the school is a pleasure to witness. Children are taught the importance of good behaviour from the moment they start in the Nursery or Reception classes.

They quickly settle and learn to follow routines, develop their independence and become a good friend. Pupils cooperate and play together harmoniously at social times.The school has high expectations for pupils' attendance.

It monitors pupils' attendance carefully and works closely with individual families to identify reasons for the low attendance of some pupils. The school takes swift and effective action to provide support for these pupils and their families. This has ensured high rates of attendance for most pupils.

A range of opportunities is offered to pupils to support their personal development. Pupils are taught how to live healthy lifestyles and how to stay safe. For example, they learn about the risks that they might encounter while online.

They are taught about faiths and beliefs that may be different to their own. The school helps pupils to learn how to maintain physical and mental well-being. This begins in the early years as children learn about their emotions and feelings.

This means that pupils are well prepared for the next steps in their lives.Staff are proud to work at the school. They know leaders consider their well-being and workload.

Governors know the school well. They offer support and challenge in key aspects of the school's work.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, teachers do not adapt tasks to meet the diverse needs of the pupils in their class sufficiently well. This means that learning is not always as effective as it could be. The school should ensure that staff have the necessary expertise to support pupils to achieve well in all subjects.

• In subjects where the curriculum is less developed, staff do not check on pupils' learning thoroughly enough. Consequently, at times, pupils have gaps in their knowledge that staff do not identify or address. The school should ensure that assessment is used effectively so that pupils develop a secure body of subject knowledge.

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