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The headteacher and deputy headteacher are an effective team and are ably supported by senior leaders. Leaders, managers and governors have a very positive impact on the teaching, learning and achievement across the school. Most staff have high expectations of their students in many aspects of the school's work.
They are committed to ensuring the students achieve their best. Leaders focus on driving improvement in all areas, especially the quality of teaching. Students' individual progress is monitored well.
Governors review this progress every term. Those individuals who are not making rapid progress are identified and supporte...d. This has been effective in English and communication.
Leaders use the alternative provision, the support staff and transition team to target help effectively to ensure that students achieve well. Students' personal, social and emotional development is supported exceptionally well by all staff. As a result, students flourish.
Staff teamwork is very strong and this makes a significant difference to students' learning. Adults do everything that they possibly can to help and support them. The curriculum offers a broad range of rich experiences, work and activities.
A good range of opportunities allows students to gain qualifications which are relevant and worthwhile. Students' behaviour is outstanding; their attitudes to their learning in class are exemplary. The care and support for students have a significant impact on their excellent attitudes to their learning.
Students' attendance and behaviour improves dramatically during their time at the school. Parents interviewed confirm the transformation in their children's response to the school's support, which enables them to progress with their learning. Students say they feel exceptionally safe at the school.
Safeguarding is managed extremely well and any issues are dealt with swiftly. Sixth form provision is good and builds on the firm foundation of previous teaching and learning. Links between years are strong across the school.
It is not yet an outstanding school because : Progress in mathematics is not as strong as in English because many students do not have enough opportunities to extend their skills in other subjects. The new leader of mathematics does not have sufficient opportunity to monitor and evaluate provision in the subject and consistently check students' work.
Information about this school
Applefields School caters for students with multiple learning difficulties, autism spectrum and specific learning difficulties.
Some students' special educational needs range from moderate to severe and profound learning difficulties, and many have multiple learning difficulties. All students have a statement of special educational needs. The school is the City of York local authority's community co-educational day special school for secondary-aged students with a wide range of needs.
Most students transfer from the local primary special school in York and a small number are from mainstream primary and secondary schools. The school makes provision for students from York and the surrounding area of North Yorkshire and the East Riding of Yorkshire. The Satellite provides specialist provision for Applefields School students who are based full-time at Manor Church of England Academy, a mainstream secondary school in Nether Poppleton, York.
The provision is for students in Key Stages 3 and 4. There are 16 students from Applefields who are based at the academy full time. They are taught by staff who are Applefields School staff and who work exclusively at the Satellite.
The school is situated in York and students are transported in from the surrounding areas. The proportion of disadvantaged students, those supported through the pupil premium, is above the national average. The pupil premium is additional government funding to support those students known to be eligible for free school meals and those who are looked after by the local authority.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.