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Archbishop Beck is a welcoming and supportive community.
Leaders have high aspirations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils and students rise to leaders' and teachers' high expectations. They are polite and respectful towards each other and adults.
Most pupils are keen to learn in lessons. Students in the sixth form make a positive contribution to school by supporting younger pupils.
Pupils enjoy coming to school and are happy here.
They participate in a wide range of activities which help to develop their confidence, independence and resilience. Pupils relish playing sports, such as netbal...l and badminton. They spoke with enthusiasm about school clubs, such as public speaking, performing arts, music and robotics.
Pupils and students benefit from the 'Dream Big programme' which raises their aspirations about future careers. Almost all move on to education, training or employment, including apprenticeships.
Pupils who spoke with inspectors said that they are cared for well and that they feel safe.
They are confident that staff will deal with any bullying incidents quickly and fairly.
The overwhelming majority of parents and carers are very positive about the school. Almost all would recommend the school to others.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and governors are ambitious for all pupils and students. Together, and working closely with the staff, they have improved the quality of education. Leaders provide a broad and rich curriculum.
More pupils are choosing to study modern foreign languages in key stage 4 than in the past. In the sixth form, students are able to choose from a very wide range of academic and vocational subjects, including physical education, business studies, media and fashion. Teachers have strong subject knowledge.
They use this effectively to deepen pupils' understanding. Most teachers use strategies well to check what pupils and students know and remember. They then adapt their curriculum to cover any gaps in pupils' knowledge.
Pupils and students in the sixth form achieve well.
Since the previous inspection, leaders have reviewed all subject curriculums. The majority of subject curriculums are well planned.
Pupils and students learn content in a logical order. Teachers provide opportunities for pupils and students to revisit their learning. This helps them to build on their previous knowledge.
However, in a small number of subjects, leaders have not identified the precise knowledge that they want pupils and students to gain. This leads to gaps in their learning.
Pupils with SEND access the same curriculum as other pupils.
Leaders identify the needs of these pupils promptly. They ensure that teachers and teaching assistants receive information and regular training on how to meet the needs of pupils with SEND in the classroom. Pupils with SEND are well supported and achieve well.
They thrive personally and socially.
Leaders have made reading a high priority in the school. Subject curriculums place a strong emphasis on developing pupils' subject-specific vocabulary and comprehension skills.
Pupils who struggle to read receive effective support with their phonics knowledge from well-trained staff. They have carefully selected reading books that help pupils to practise the sounds that they have learned. This helps pupils to develop their fluency and accuracy in reading.
The school is a calm and orderly environment. This means that teachers can teach and pupils can learn, with few interruptions. Most pupils behave well.
During breaktimes, pupils socialise well together. In lessons, they are attentive and support each other.
Most aspects of the personal development curriculum are well planned and are delivered effectively.
Leaders place a strong focus on supporting pupils' mental health. Pupils enjoy raising money for charities. They learn to respect differences between people and treat everyone equally.
However, in key stage 4 and in the sixth form, some small aspects of healthy relationships are not taught in sufficient detail. In part, this is due to the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic to leaders' plans to improve this area.
Pupils and students receive high-quality careers information, advice and guidance.
They spoke positively about the range of links with employers, hospitals and universities. These help them to make more informed decisions about their future.
Staff are proud to work at the school.
They feel that leaders consider their workload and well-being. Governors know the school extremely well. They challenge and support leaders in equal measure.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
There is a culture of vigilance in the school. Staff and governors receive training in safeguarding.
Staff know how to recognise and report signs of abuse. Leaders follow up any concerns swiftly. They work well with external agencies, including the police, to make sure that pupils and students get effective support.
Pupils learn about risks, such as knife crime, sexual harassment and sexual violence, through assemblies, lessons and drop-down-days. They know how to stay safe when working online.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In a small number of subjects, curriculum plans lack detail about the knowledge that pupils and students should gain.
This leads to gaps in their knowledge. Subject leaders should refine the plans for these few subjects to ensure that teachers know exactly what knowledge pupils and students must learn. This will help pupils and students to know more and remember more.
• Pupils in key stage 4 and students in the sixth form are not given the opportunity to study some aspects of healthy relationships in sufficient detail. This limits how well they are prepared for their future lives. Leaders should ensure that they develop this aspect of pupils' personal development.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.