Archdeacon John Lewis

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About Archdeacon John Lewis

Name Archdeacon John Lewis
Address C.I.W. Primary School, Brackla Way, CF31 2JS
Phone Number 01656815520
Phase Nursery, Infants & Juniors
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 161 (49.7% boys 50.3% girls)
Number of Pupils per Teacher 22.9
Local Authority Bridgend
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Archdeacon John Lewis Church in Wales Primary School is in the Bridgend local authority.

There are currently 200 pupils aged three to eleven years on roll. The school has seven classes, including three that are mixed-age. Around 20% of pupils are eligible for free school meals, this is approximately in line with the national average (19%).

The school identifies that around 16% of pupils have special educational needs. This is below the national average (25%). English is the main home language of most pupils.

A very few pupils come from ethnic minority backgrounds or speak Welsh at home. Estyn last inspected the school in January 2010. The headteacher took up his post in September 2013.

The individual scho...ol budget per pupil for Archdeacon John Lewis Church in Wales Primary School in 2016-2017 means that the budget is £3,273 per pupil. The maximum per pupil in the primary schools in Bridgend is £4,484 and the minimum is £2,872. Archdeacon John Lewis Church in Wales Primary School is 25th out of the 48 primary schools in Bridgend in terms of its school budget per pupil.

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