Ardleigh Green Junior School

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About Ardleigh Green Junior School

Name Ardleigh Green Junior School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Janelle Johnson
Address Ardleigh Green Road, Hornchurch, RM11 2SP
Phone Number 01708443014
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 361
Local Authority Havering
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

There is a warm welcome from staff and pupils at Ardleigh Green. This is a lively and happy community where 'everyone grows'. Pupils are enthusiastic about their learning and take great pride in their school.

Their behaviour in lessons and around the school is exemplary. Parents and carers praise the care that staff at all levels provide for pupils.

Staff have high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Pupils live up to these expectations. They are eager to learn and consistently produce work of high quality. Pupils are confident communicators who show great curiosity about the world.

...They achieve highly.

The new leadership team continues to champion the school's strong ethos and values. Relationships between staff and pupils are warm and respectful.

Pupils look forward to singing assemblies, which contribute to the strong sense of belonging and community that leaders have established. Pupils feel safe and supported. They know that staff take care of them.

Pupils enjoy coming to school and attend well. Pupils are encouraged to celebrate their own and others' achievements, which helps them to grow in confidence.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has recently undergone changes in leadership and management.

Staff, parents and governors are effusive in their praise for how these changes have been managed. There is a close and collaborative relationship between the infant and junior schools. Many staff work across both schools.

This helps to ensure continuity in pupils' learning and a smooth transition for pupils joining the junior school.

There is a rich and ambitious curriculum that matches, and, in some subjects, exceeds, the aims of the national curriculum. It has been carefully designed so that there is a clear progression of knowledge and skills.

Teachers have excellent subject knowledge and are skilled in supporting pupils to build a depth of knowledge in each subject over time.

In lessons, teachers make sure that pupils are secure in their learning before moving on. Pupils are familiar with the 'rewind' activity, for example where they recap what they have learned previously.

This helps to ensure that pupils have the knowledge they need to attempt more complex tasks. For example, in computing, pupils first secure their knowledge of sequencing before going on to learn about algorithms. The curriculum has also been designed to help pupils make connections in their learning.

For example, as part of 'science week', pupils learn about real-life experiences of working in the science industries.

Staff skilfully adapt teaching so that pupils with SEND access the same ambitious learning opportunities as their peers. Pupils who need additional support are identified quickly and given the help they need.

For example, in physical education, some pupils receive additional support to develop their technique in sports such as archery. This helps these pupils to achieve the same high outcomes as their peers.

Pupils' behaviour and attitudes to learning are exceptional.

They approach new tasks with enthusiasm. Pupils know what is expected of them and work to achieve this. Pupils are kind and considerate and are quick to help each other in lessons.

Bullying is rare. Where it occurs, it is dealt with promptly.

Reading is celebrated across the school.

Pupils enjoy daily story time and independent reading. Pupils typically described reading as 'a treat not a chore'. They look forward to choosing from the recommended reading lists and 'special bookshelves'.

There are clear systems for checking pupils' reading knowledge when they join the school. Pupils who need extra support are prioritised. As a result, they quickly become confident and fluent readers.

The same high ambition is reflected for pupils' personal development. Pupils are taught how to be responsible, global citizens. They find out about how to make safe choices online and they build a deep knowledge about the digital world.

Pupils develop their leadership skills through roles such as 'play leaders' and 'reading buddies'. There is high take-up of the rich and varied opportunities for pupils to develop their talents and interests.

Staff are proud to work here and are highly valued.

Staff well-being is a priority for leaders at all levels. Those responsible for governance work closely with leaders to support their vision for continued improvement.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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