Ark Conway Primary Academy

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About Ark Conway Primary Academy

Name Ark Conway Primary Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Abigail Carter
Address 60 Hemlock Road, Hammersmith, London, W12 0QT
Phone Number 02032491180
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 203
Local Authority Hammersmith and Fulham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy when arriving in school and are ready and keen to learn.

They rise to the highest expectations set by the school. All pupils achieve extremely well across the subjects. There are warm and trustful working relationships between pupils and adults.

Staff encourage everyone to do well.

Pupils' behaviour in and beyond the classroom is exemplary. Pupils said that everyone treats each other with the same respect.

They show their kindness and care for others in many ways. This includes every class contributing something to the school, local or international community. For example, pupils collect second hand books to send to those in need int...ernationally.

Pupils value their friendships and working together.

The school encourages pupils to have a voice and share their opinions. Pupils develop well-honed oracy skills, which they display in the classroom and beyond.

Their views are valued and acted on. For instance, the pupil lunchtime committee meet with the chef to discuss changes to the menu. From Reception onwards all pupils attend an enrichment club every week.

They join in groups of different ages to learn new skills, such as fashion design, yoga and chess. Pupils speak highly of their 'Spark' clubs.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has a highly ambitious curriculum that goes far beyond what is expected nationally.

For example, pupils develop their skills in French from the early years. Pupils build on these very strong foundations to use French vocabulary and sentences confidently by the end of Year 6. Teachers encourage pupils to learn extra knowledge beyond the planned curriculum, for example to broaden their horizons through sending home 'Discovery Boxes'.

These contain activities and guidance to carry out further research on curriculum topics.

Teaching of reading is a top priority. Highly trained staff deliver the phonics programme with precision.

Books used to practise early reading in class and at home match the sounds that pupils are learning. Staff quickly identify any pupils who are falling behind. These pupils receive additional help from expert teachers.

This means they catch up quickly. The love of reading is promoted with daily story time. Story books and books related to learning, for example in science, inspire pupils to find out and read more.

The school encourages pupils to develop a love of poetry through 'poetry slam'. Everyone learns a poem of their choice to recite and perform this to an audience.

Staff have very strong subject-specific knowledge and the expertise in how to teach the curriculum effectively.

This is because of the high-quality training and coaching they receive. Staff benefit from excellent networking and training with experts across the trust. Assessment is used very effectively to check what pupils know and remember.

Pupils' knowledge and learning is enhanced from the daily 'What I Know' (WIN) time.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are fully included in all aspects of school life. All staff know pupils' individual needs.

They adapt teaching and resources to support pupils' learning as appropriate. The school links closely with external agencies to provide pupils with SEND with the best support. As a result, pupils with SEND access the same curriculum as their peers.

The school sets very clear routines from early years. This enables children to have very positive attitudes towards their learning. Pupils across the school take pride in their work.

The school closely tracks pupil attendance and takes highly effective action to address any emerging weaknesses. As a result, attendance has improved.

The school's programme for personal development is exceptional.

Equality is at the heart of the school. Pupils debate a wide range of topics and show great understanding for different points of views. Pupils are taught sensitively about topics including relationships and staying safe online.

All pupils go on a visit at least every term and during their time in school, three overnight visits. From Reception Year, all pupils take part in the annual talent competition. The school works to raise pupils' aspirations for the future, such as visits to universities and visiting careers speakers.

Staff are exceptionally positive about working at the school. They value the many opportunities to grow and develop their careers. Staff appreciate the care they receive as individuals.

The trust fulfils its statutory responsibilities well. Trustees hold leaders to account for the quality of education at the school and consider staff welfare. They provide extensive support for all aspects of the school's work.

Home visits, regular meetings and parent workshops create very strong family school relationships. Parents and carers are overwhelming positive about their child's experiences in school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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