Ark Elvin Academy

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About Ark Elvin Academy

Name Ark Elvin Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Ms Rebecca Curtis
Address Cecil Avenue, Wembley, London, HA9 7DU
Phone Number 02089026362
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1312
Local Authority Brent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils value all that this school offers them.

They understand that all staff have their best interests at heart. Everything that leaders do is predicated on the highest ambitions and expectations. They put in place the right provision to support all pupils to succeed.

Their success in translating their vision into reality is exceptional, especially through the aspirational curriculum. Pupils are happy. They behave extremely well and thrive in this warm, purposeful and safe community.

Their academic achievements are very high.

Leaders are fully committed to equality and inclusion. Many pupils join the school with little or no knowledge of English..../>
There are an increasing number of pupils with complex special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) on roll. Staff give well-considered extra help to these pupils. This enables pupils with SEND to access the same curriculum as their peers.

This commitment is replicated in the ambition of the new sixth form's curriculum. Students benefit from a bespoke offer that meets their needs and aspirations. For example, those who join Year 12 with limited experience of education in this country are especially well supported to gain the qualifications they need to continue their studies, including at university.

Before, during and after school, pupils can choose to participate in some of the sixty enrichment activities on offer. Everyone who wants to can nurture and develop their talents and interests.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have established a highly ambitious curriculum.

This is reflected in pupils' exceptional achievement across the subjects studied. The 2022 GCSE results were very high. Last year was the first cohort to complete their sixth-form vocational qualifications.

Almost all students were offered university places.

Subject leaders and teachers benefit from quality professional development. They also share and learn from effective practices with colleagues in other schools.

For example, staff draw on the expertise available from trust-wide subject networks and play a leading role in strengthening practice in areas such as geography and English. Teachers new to the profession are also extremely well supported. Subject teams meet weekly to share ideas.

They reflect together and evaluate the effectiveness of the curriculum. This means that high levels of continuous thought go into the planning and teaching of all subjects.

Teachers break knowledge down into well-sequenced parts.

Pupils build up their knowledge step by step. Established routines enable pupils to recap prior learning. This practice embeds knowledge in their long-term memories.

Teachers make effective use of resources. If needed, staff make suitable adaptations to these resources, focusing on meeting the needs of pupils with SEND and those who are new to speaking English as an additional language. Teachers and subject leaders check pupils' knowledge often.

They use the assessment information they gather to good effect. For example, through the 'know your class' approach, all teachers are clear about exactly how they will support any pupil identified as falling behind. They keep these bespoke strategies under regular review.

A high number of pupils enter the school still struggling to read fluently. Leaders, therefore, make the explicit teaching of reading a high priority. For example, expert staff teach pupils new to English and those with significantly weak reading skills using a well-sequenced phonics programme.

This includes students in the sixth form. Reading is encouraged and supported across the subjects. The curriculum incorporates a very strong drive to expand pupils' vocabulary and comprehension.

Success is recognised, such as at the phonics graduation celebration. As a result, pupils catch up quickly. They become confident and fluent readers.

They also increase their vocabulary rapidly, giving them access to learning across the subjects.

Pupils' behaviour is excellent. A purposeful atmosphere permeates the school, supported by well-established routines.

Pupils are inducted into and are repeatedly taught about the school's values and expectations for behaviour. Pupils who occasionally struggle with their behaviour are well supported by the pastoral team. Staff help them to reflect on the impact of their choices and coach them to make changes for the better.

Low-level disruption in class is a rarity. Pupils and sixth-form students display a strong desire to succeed. They work with great diligence.

Pupils are encouraged to respect all people, including those with protected characteristics. Leaders provide pupils with many opportunities to learn to play a musical instrument. Scholarships are available for budding musicians.

Staff teach pupils about how to form healthy relationships and about consent. Pupils are also taught about a range of risks and how to keep themselves safe and healthy. Year 9 classes compete in raising the most funds for each class's chosen charity.

Sixth-form students worked with a local food bank to prepare and serve food in a weekly community kitchen hosted in the school canteen. Students also help teachers and pupils in the lower years, such as during sports and games.

The school's careers guidance programme is extensive.

Students have many opportunities to visit inspirational higher education and industry settings. These help to shape their career interests and passions.

Staff said that leaders are 'approachable' and 'caring'.

For example, staff have access to yoga sessions and to counselling for their well-being. They feel that workload expectations are reasonable.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff are highly trained and vigilant to any signs that a pupil might be at risk or need help. There is a `it can happen here' attitude and staff are quick to report concerns, even if they appear to be minor. There is strong collaboration between the large teams for safeguarding, SEND, pastoral care, and culture and behaviour.

Through this, leaders and staff act quickly to provide support for pupils internally. If needed, these teams draw on the wide network of external agencies they have cultivated to ensure that pupils' welfare needs are fully supported. There are also robust vetting procedures in place to check that job applicants are suitable for working with pupils.

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