Ark Globe Academy

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About Ark Globe Academy

Name Ark Globe Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Matt Jones OBE
Address Harper Road, London, SE1 6AG
Phone Number 02074076877
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-18
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1315
Local Authority Southwark
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils feel safe and valued in the school. Pupils of all ages work alongside each other. The visual timeline that runs along reception helps pupils to understand the history of the school and how it has grown.

Pupils feel proud of the school.

Leaders have high aspirations for every pupil. Staff are united to achieve the school's mission statement which is to prepare all pupils for university and to be leaders in their community.

Leaders arrange a variety of enrichment days and events to support what pupils learn in lessons. Pupils particularly appreciate these opportunities. Pupils take part in work with local businesses, projects with the local community and... trips to universities.

The Globe wings artwork outside the school gates visually demonstrates the ambitions that pupils have for themselves. Pupils illustrated the wings with big ideas of what they want to do when they leave school. For example, there are pictures of doctors and lawyers.

The motto, 'we are wings, and we want to fly,' is felt by pupils. All believe they can succeed.

Pupils behave well in and outside of lessons.

Pupils understand behaviour systems and know what is expected of them. Bullying is rare. If it occurs, then teachers act quickly to resolve issues.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils have the opportunity to study a broad range of subjects throughout their time at school. In the sixth form, students choose from a number of courses. Leaders are ambitious for all pupils.

Leaders recently added more curriculum time for some subjects in Years 7 to 9. This is because previously pupils in these year groups did not have enough time to study certain subjects in depth. The trust provides helpful support for subject leaders, particularly in refining the curriculum plans to take into account the changes in Years 7 to 9.

Leaders ensure that each subject is planned in a way that helps pupils to build up knowledge over time. Teachers provide pupils with the chance to recall and use the things they have learned before. For example, children in the Nursery used their learning and vocabulary related to superheroes when they had a visit from the local firefighters.

In English, pupils used their knowledge of words such as volta and tone to help them to understand the poem 'Storm on the Island' by Heaney. Teachers routinely check pupils' learning in lessons. Teachers use this to make sure that pupils keep up and build their knowledge securely.

For example, in French, teachers checked if pupils understood the different forms of the verb 'jouer' before continuing learning. Pupils achieve well across a range of subjects and stages in the school.

Leaders prioritise reading from the moment children start the school.

The Nursery supports this ambition, with communication and language being a strength. Leaders train teachers and teaching assistants to be early reading experts. Teachers recognise any gaps in phonics knowledge straight away.

If pupils need extra support, this is quickly provided. Leaders are determined that every child, no matter what their starting point, will become a fluent reader. Pupils could enthusiastically describe books they enjoy listening to in class, for example 'James and the Giant Peach', by Roald Dahl.

Leaders continue the emphasis on reading as pupils move through all year groups. Leaders make sure that pupils have the help they need to learn to read fluently, including in Years 7 to 11. Pupils read widely and often.

Pupils in Years 7 to 11 have opportunities to read with younger pupils.

Teachers have good knowledge of the subjects they teach. The trust provides helpful support for teachers.

In lessons, teachers make sure that pupils know and use key vocabulary. For instance, in geography, students in Year 13 could correctly use words such as 'magnitude' and 'Richter' when learning about hazards linked to earthquakes. This vocabulary focus helps students to discuss their learning.

Teachers help pupils to understand different concepts by breaking them down into smaller chunks of learning. This works particularly well for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Leaders work with outside agencies to help them to identify and meet pupils' needs.

Teachers help pupils with SEND well so that these pupils access the same curriculum as their peers.

Right from the start of early years, staff set high expectations for pupils' behaviour. In the early years, staff support children's learning and development very effectively.

Children are very well prepared for their learning in Year 1. Throughout the school, these high expectations of pupils' behaviour continue. The 'culture pyramid' outlines clearly how pupils should behave.

This promotes things like independence, being professional and social justice for all. For example, in the primary phase, leaders provide opportunities for pupils to speak 'professionally' to adults. Pupils respect each other and work to support each other in lessons.

Pupils are proud to be members of the school and behave exceptionally well. There is no low-level disruption in lessons. Pupils focus on their learning.

They value opportunities to contribute to the wider community. Pupils described projects they had been involved in, such as volunteering or working with local businesses.

Leaders make sure that all pupils, at every stage, receive helpful information about careers education, information and guidance.

In the sixth form, students are well prepared for their next steps in education. Students achieve highly in the sixth form. Pupils value being part of a diverse school.'

Learning family time' offers good opportunities for pupils to discuss what is happening in the world around them. Pupils talk about topics such as bullying, the environment, charity work and the impact of COVID-19 on the community.

Leaders provide support for staff well-being.

Staff say they appreciate this. Leaders set up helpful strategies to reduce staff workload while maintaining standards in lessons.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff training on safeguarding is up to date. Staff know the processes to follow if they have concerns about a pupil. Leaders know pupils and their families well.

When there is a need, leaders make timely referrals and work effectively with external agencies.

Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe in school and when out in the community. Leaders have prioritised mental health and well-being for staff and pupils.

Pupils could talk confidently about their lessons on mental health awareness.

Leaders are aware of the local safeguarding risks that may affect pupils. Leaders work with pupils to teach them how to manage risks.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Leaders identified that how the curriculum was previously organised in Years 7 to 9 did not allow all pupils to study all subjects in depth. This limited pupils' learning. Leaders have made changes to how the curriculum is organised to address this.

However, these changes are new. Subject plans need to be embedded. Leaders should ensure that the revised curriculum for pupils in Years 7 to 9 is securely embedded to ensure that pupils study the full curriculum and build their knowledge securely in every subject.

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