Ashfield Junior School

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About Ashfield Junior School

Name Ashfield Junior School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Andre Dourado
Address School Lane, Bushey, WD23 1SR
Phone Number 02089502350
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 219
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy at Ashfield Junior School. There is a warm and caring atmosphere throughout the school.

The core values of respect, kindness, resilience and cooperation are central to the pupils' school life. Pupils helped to decide on these values. Pupils are kind and show respect to each other and adults.

Bullying is rare and it is dealt with effectively when it happens.

Pupils behave well, both inside and outside of the classroom. They understand the school's behaviour system and value rewards for positive behaviour.

Pupils' positive attitudes to learning mean that they participate in lessons enthusiastically. Pupils are proud of their achievemen...ts. They spoke proudly of the French cafe they held for parents to showcase their learning.

Pupils achieve well.

Pupils benefit from the wide range of clubs and additional activities on offer, such as football and chess. Clubs enable pupils to pursue their interests and develop their talents.

Pupils learn how others are different from them through the personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) curriculum and appropriate visits, such as to the Hindu temple. Pupils learn about leadership through responsibilities, such as being on the school council.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have recently updated their curriculum.

The curriculum is broad and interesting. It covers the full range of national curriculum subjects. Across all subjects, leaders' curriculum plans clearly set out what pupils need to learn and when.

Most teachers, use the new plans well to help them teach effective lessons that support pupils' learning. Many teachers have secure subject knowledge, which helps them to check learning regularly and, in most cases, spot if a pupil does not know or understand an idea. Consequently, in most subjects' pupils progress well.

In a few subjects, teachers are just getting used to the new curriculum plans. In a minority of cases, teachers do not plan lessons that are as helpful to pupils' learning. Additionally, some leaders are not consistently checking what is working well and what needs to improve.

In these instances, pupils do not make as much progress. More staff training would ensure that all subjects are taught well.

On the whole, pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) progress well through the curriculum.

This is because most staff adapt their lessons well around pupils' needs. There are some instances, however, when this is not the case and teaching is not as helpful for these pupils. This is due to the lack of training for staff.

As a result, some pupils with SEND find learning trickier than it could be.

Pupils enjoy reading. They are excited to share their books with other pupils.

Phonics teaching is used effectively to support pupils who need extra help with their reading to catch up quickly. High-quality training supports staff to know what reading help to give. Consequently, pupils develop accuracy, fluency and confidence when reading.

The well-planned PSHE curriculum supports pupils to have the tools, skills and knowledge to be responsible future citizens. As part of this curriculum, pupils have the opportunity to develop their aspirations for the future by studying inspirational and relevant people, for example Marcus Rashford.

Transition to and from the school is carefully considered.

Leaders ensure that pupils feel welcome when they arrive by having a 'buddy'. It is the buddy's responsibility to show them around and make them feel welcome. Transition of responsibilities within the school is also considered.

Year 6 pupils train year 5 pupils to become sports leaders before they leave the school. This develops their confidence in being good role models before they move to secondary school.

Leaders responded quickly to the changing behaviour needs of pupils in the school.

A clear behaviour policy is in place. It outlines leaders' high expectations and is consistently followed by all staff. The number of negative behaviour incidents is reducing.

The introduction of the house point reward system motivates the pupils to behave well.

Staff are well supported by leaders. Despite recent changes to the school, such as the curriculum and behaviour policy, staff workload is well considered.

Governors effectively support and challenge leaders to ensure that they make the right decisions to improve the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff are well trained.

They know how to keep pupils safe and report any concerns that they have. Leaders act quickly and effectively to ensure that pupils are safe. They ensure that pupils get the support they need from external agencies when it is needed.

Pupils know how to keep themselves safe in a range of situations, including when online. For example, they know when to call 999. Pupils have developed a safety network and can identify their trusted adults.

Older pupils have worked with the police and understand what cyber bullying is.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, leaders do not check that the curriculum is being delivered as intended This means that leaders do not always see where staff need more training or support to help them to teach the new curriculum well. Leaders should ensure that all curriculum areas are regularly evaluated, so that staff get appropriate support and training to implement the curriculum well.

• Some staff do not adapt learning and classroom activities well enough around the needs of pupils with SEND. This means that in these instances, pupils with SEND find learning more difficult and do not make the best possible progress. Leaders should ensure that all staff are trained well in how to adapt learning around the needs of pupils with SEND.

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