Ashford CofE Primary School

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About Ashford CofE Primary School

Name Ashford CofE Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Lesley Bailey
Address School Road, Ashford, TW15 2BW
Phone Number 01784253310
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 387
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are proud to be a part of this happy and inclusive school. Children in the early years, along with any new pupils, receive a warm welcome.

They settle into school life well and learn to uphold the school's values of kindness and respect.

Pupils contribute to the school through the different leadership responsibilities offered to them. These include running their own sports clubs, being a house captain and being on the eco-team.

They value the wide opportunities that are on offer to them. Trips such as visits to the local library and art gallery help to develop pupils' interests and talents.

Relationships are warm and considerate. behave well and move around the school sensibly. They also feel well supported by the adults who care for them. Any concerns or worries can be shared in different ways, such as putting a message in the 'I wish my teacher knew' boxes.

Pupils trust staff to listen to them and to keep them safe.

Pupils are eager to learn and value the rewards they receive for their efforts. High expectations exist throughout the school.

Pupils rise to these expectations and are keen to do their best.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Since the last inspection, the school has put in place a well-planned and ambitious curriculum across every subject. This curriculum identifies the important knowledge and skills that pupils need to learn.

In most subjects, there is careful thought on what pupils need to learn from early years through to the end of key stage 2. In these subjects, pupils learn effectively and achieve well. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Staff provide dedicated care to individual pupils who have a number of different and sometimes complex needs. In lessons, teachers make careful adaptations which help these pupils learn alongside their classmates.

The school has focused on developing the knowledge and expertise of teachers across the many different subjects on offer.

However, the curriculum in some subjects is still relatively new. In these subjects, pupils are not always able to remember their learning as confidently. This means that they do not always apply what they have learned to new concepts and ideas.

In addition, teachers are not always checking effectively on what pupils know and can remember. This means pupils are not developing as deep an understanding across all subjects as the school intends.

Reading is prioritised, and children start to learn to read from the start of Reception.

Staff teach daily phonics in a consistent way. This is helping pupils to become keen and confident readers. Pupils who find reading more difficult are well supported to enable them to keep up with their peers.

The school fosters a love of reading for all pupils. Teachers ensure pupils have access to and read a variety of different types of stories and books. As a result, pupils are eager to talk about the books they are reading.

They particularly enjoy story time when staff read aloud to them.

Pupils behave very well and respect their peers and adults. Lessons are calm and purposeful.

Everyone understands the behaviour policy, and staff use it consistently. The youngest children in Reception are supported well to learn routines quickly. The school teaches pupils how to manage their behaviour.

Additional support is thoughtfully given to any pupils who have difficulties communicating their feelings and emotions.

Strong relationships exist between the school, pupils and their families. There has been an ongoing focus on providing support to any pupils who do not attend regularly.

While this has reduced the absence of some pupils, there remains a small minority of pupils whose attendance is too low. The school recognises the need to continue to strengthen this work to ensure pupils do not miss too much of their education.

The school actively promotes personal development and well-being.

There is deliberate planning in the curriculum for wider enrichment opportunities. Fundamental British values are well supported across the school, with a focus on helping pupils to show respect to one another. Pupils value difference, and they celebrate diversity.

They are keen to explain their understanding of how to be considerate citizens.

Governors support the school in their determination to help pupils achieve their best. They provide appropriate challenge and support.

Staff are proud to work at the school and appreciate the care for their well-being and workload. Parents speak positively about the changes that have happened across the school and feel part of a cohesive school community.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The full implementation of the curriculum in some of the foundation subjects is not yet consistent. Some teachers do not yet have the subject expertise to confidently teach the precise knowledge and then check how pupils' understanding builds over time. The school is aware of this and should continue to carefully monitor the impact of their planned improvements to ensure that pupils' knowledge is secure.

• Some pupils are not yet attending school as regularly as they should. As a result, they are missing out on vital learning. The school needs to continue to strengthen its actions to support improvement in the attendance of these pupils.

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