Ashton Keynes Church of England Primary School

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About Ashton Keynes Church of England Primary School

Name Ashton Keynes Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Samantha Saville
Address Gosditch, Ashton Keynes, Swindon, SN6 6NZ
Phone Number 01285861436
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 215
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive at this welcoming and inclusive school.

Expertly led by the headteacher, everyone strives for pupils to 'shine bright' and 'reach for the stars' in all they do. This helps pupils get off to a great start in their education at Ashton Keynes Church of England Primary School.

Staff and pupils show high levels of respect towards each other.

Pupils' extremely positive attitudes to their learning extend beyond the classroom. They know how to manage their own behaviour. Staff trust them to do the right thing, and they do.

Bullying is rare. Staff step in quickly to sort out any issues that arise. Pupils feel very safe and well looked after and ...enjoy attending school.

Leaders meticulously plan wide-ranging experiences to enrich the curriculum. Pupils relish the chance to get involved with leadership opportunities. These include the worship council, well-being ambassadors, reading buddies and organising lunchtime clubs.

Pupils say there is always something interesting going on.

Parents are unreservedly positive about the education their children receive. They hold the school in high regard.

Many commented that the school 'encourages children to shine as individuals' and 'instils a love of learning'.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff and governors express great confidence in the leadership of the headteacher. She has created a culture of mutual respect and teamwork.

Staff morale is high. Support for staff workload and well-being is considered carefully by leaders. Governors share the same ambitions.

They are committed to the school and provide the right balance of challenge and support to help the school move forward.

Leaders prioritise reading. Staff select well-chosen books to help widen pupils' vocabulary.

Visits from authors inspire pupils to read from a range of texts and discuss social and moral dilemmas. For example, older pupils learn about the issues around refugees, loss and bullying. By the time they leave Year 6, pupils can read confidently.

The school's revised approach to phonics teaching is working well. From the start of Reception Year, most children can read and write the sounds they know. This continues into Year 1.

Teachers know how to teach phonics. Leaders provide coaching and guidance to staff, so they have the expertise needed to teach phonics consistently. This is beginning to have a positive impact on the few pupils who struggle to read fluently.

Leaders have designed a broad and well-thought-out curriculum. They have mapped out what they expect pupils to learn and by when. Subject leaders have sequenced learning so that pupils' knowledge builds progressively over time.

For example, in design technology, pupils draw on their prior knowledge of switches to design an illuminated poster. In mathematics, teachers revisit number facts, so pupils gain confidence in solving problems. However, in a minority of subjects, leaders have not fully defined the knowledge and concepts that pupils must learn and remember.

As a result, even though published outcomes in 2022 were strong, pupils do not deepen their knowledge sufficiently in a few areas of the wider curriculum. Furthermore, some subject leaders do not reliably know how well pupils learn across the school in these areas of the curriculum.

Teachers use ongoing assessment well in most subjects to find out how pupils are doing.

They use 'star challenges', including in Reception Year, to develop rigour in lessons. Pupils say this provides them with the right level of challenge and support. Consequently, pupils become immersed in their learning and show impressive behaviour.

Leaders place no ceiling on pupils' learning, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils benefit from an inclusive and caring ethos. Staff identify the needs of pupils with SEND early and accurately.

They adapt learning activities and give them the help they need to experience success.

Staff provide pupils with a wealth of experiences to support their personal growth and development. The rich array of trips, clubs, music lessons and outdoor learning, including the '11 by 11' promise, is impressive.

Pupils spend time in the 'cosy cabin' to resolve their worries. They understand how using the running track and playing sports keeps them fit and healthy.

Leaders weave the school's Christian values, such as compassion and respect, across the curriculum.

Pupils give back to the community by performing with the local choir and visiting a nearby care home. They celebrate differences and stand up to discrimination. Visits from experts encourage pupils to aim high for the future.

By the end of Year 6, pupils leave school as responsible and confident individuals.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have secure systems in place to keep pupils safe.

They train staff well, so they know the process for identifying and reporting concerns. The safeguarding team communicate swiftly with external agencies. They act in the best interest of pupils to secure the help they need.

Leaders ensure that adults who work at the school are safe to do so.

The curriculum teaches pupils about important issues, such as online safety and first aid. Pupils can name trusted adults they can talk to if they have any concerns.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few subjects, leaders' curriculum thinking does not make clear the precise content they want pupils to know and revisit. This means that pupils do not gain the depth of understanding in these subjects as well as they could. Leaders must ensure that in all subjects, they identify the components of essential knowledge and check how well pupils know and remember what they have been taught.

Also at this postcode
Mighty Oaks @ Ashton Keynes

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