Aston All Saints CofE (A) Primary School

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About Aston All Saints CofE (A) Primary School

Name Aston All Saints CofE (A) Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Rebecca Webster
Address Lodge Lane, Aston, Sheffield, S26 2BL
Phone Number 01142872100
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 206
Local Authority Rotherham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a school that has undergone significant change in the recent past. The changes being introduced by leaders are having a positive impact on the experiences of pupils. Leaders have high expectations for what they want pupils to achieve and who they want them to become as members of society.

Pupils develop a strong moral compass during their time at the school. They are keen to contribute to their school community and wider society. Pupils enjoy and benefit from opportunities to contribute to their school community.

For example, school councillors talk enthusiastically about their roles. In lessons, pupils look for opportunities to help and encourage each other.<>
Pupils understand how to recognise and challenge injustice and prejudice.

They understand what bullying is and how to report it. When it does happen, it is dealt with quickly and effectively. Pupils have confidence in the adults in school to help them with any concerns they might have.

There is mutual respect between adults and pupils. However, the behaviour expectations are not always consistently applied and this can affect the flow of learning in some lessons.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have made significant changes to the curriculum in a short space of time.

This is particularly the case in the foundation subjects, such as art and history. Leaders have thought carefully about what they want pupils to know and experience in these subjects. There have been significant amounts of training for staff to deliver the new curriculum to pupils.

Some areas of the curriculum are more embedded than others. There are systems for checking what pupils know in different subjects. However, this assessment information is not used as well as it could be to help pupils who might be falling behind in their learning or pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

All staff are committed to teaching pupils to read. Phonics is taught from Reception. Books are closely matched to the sounds that pupils know.

Leaders know the importance of staff being early reading experts. Teachers regularly check how well pupils are doing in their reading. Pupils who need help with reading are identified and supported.

Teachers regularly assess how well pupils are learning to read. The love of reading is promoted around school. Regular story times are enjoyed by pupils.

Inviting book corners are well used in each classroom.

Pupils understand the differences between people in the world. They know that people who have a protected characteristic are more likely to be discriminated against.

They know that this is wrong. Pupils know that it is 'ok to be different' and that everyone should be respected. Pupils enjoy visits and experiences that are well planned and link to their learning in different subjects.

Pupils move around school calmly and sensibly. Classrooms are conducive to learning. However, there are variations in expectations from staff about how children should behave.

Some incidents of low-level disruption are not consistently addressed.

Leaders have introduced clear systems for identifying pupils with SEND. Teachers take responsibility for identifying the small steps these pupils need to take in their learning to be successful.

These pupils do receive some targeted support. However, the small steps and the provision needed to help pupils achieve these are not currently closely enough linked to assessment information about how well pupils are achieving.

Children get a strong start to their education in early years.

Routines are quickly introduced and children have the opportunity to develop their independence. The calm and supportive atmosphere helps them to build strong relationships with adults and other children. They are well prepared for Year 1 when they leave Reception.

Any children who need help with their learning are spotted quickly and receive the support they need.

The governing body has a strong skill set. Governors use their skills and experience to challenge and support leaders.

Leaders at all levels have a clear understanding of the strengths and development areas of the school. Targeted support and development have been put in place in the areas that leaders identified as the highest priority.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have introduced clear and robust systems for recording incidents. Pupils and families who need help are identified and supported quickly. There is increasing consistency in the way in which different safeguarding incidents are recorded.

Leaders get support for pupils from external agencies, and show tenacity if they feel that a family needs more help. Staff understand what the local safeguarding risks are to pupils. Leaders at all levels contribute to the culture of safeguarding in school.

Pupils are taught how to stay safe when online and how to identify healthy and unhealthy relationships.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Assessment is not sharply focused on identifying the small steps of learning required for the lowest 20% of pupils, including those with SEND, to make in order to catch up with their peers. As a result, the gaps between these pupils and their peers do not close quickly enough, and some of the provision for pupils with SEND is not as closely targeted to these small steps as possible.

Leaders should ensure that assessment is used to identify precisely any gaps in learning for all pupils. This will particularly benefit the lowest 20% and those with SEND. Behaviour across school is inconsistent.

This is because there is not currently shared expectations among all staff or leaders. As a result, some instances of low-level disruption occur and this affects the flow of some lessons. Leaders should ensure that there is consistency of understanding and application of behaviour expectations from staff and that staff are supported to apply these.

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