Aston Fence Junior and Infant School

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About Aston Fence Junior and Infant School

Name Aston Fence Junior and Infant School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs C L Dawson
Address 237 Sheffield Road, Woodhouse Mill, Sheffield, S13 9ZD
Phone Number 01142692688
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 207
Local Authority Rotherham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are polite and courteous at this innovative school.

Pupils approach their learning with enthusiasm and excitement. Pupils are welcoming of visitors. They conduct themselves respectfully and with maturity.

Older pupils act as positive role models for younger children through a buddy system.

Pupils access a curriculum which provides them with many excellent opportunities to learn. These opportunities go beyond the academic.

For example, Year 2 pupils visited a zoo during their 'Feathers, Fur and Fangs' unit of work. All pupils take part in a carefully considered visit, every term, that enhances their understanding of what they are learning in sc...hool.

Pupils have a thorough understanding of fundamental British values.

They debate these weekly in assemblies. Pupils have many opportunities to take on leadership roles. The school elected its council through a whole-school ballot.

The local mayor presented the elected members with their badges during a visit to the school.

Adults have extremely high expectations of pupils' behaviour. They encourage and reward positive behaviour, such as holding doors open and saying 'thank you'.

This ensures that pupils behave with respect and kindness to each other and to the adults in school. Pupils are happy at Aston Fence Junior and Infant School.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has developed an ambitious and unique curriculum that inspires its pupils to learn, including those pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Teachers deliver the curriculum through a different theme each term, for example 'Invasion!' and 'Beyond the Sea'. Leaders have carefully mapped the knowledge that pupils will learn in each unit of work and ensured that their knowledge builds on what they already know.

The curriculum covers the breadth of the national curriculum and in some subjects, such as art, exceeds it.

The quality of work that pupils produce is exceptional. The way that pupils use knowledge from one subject and apply it in a different context is quite remarkable. For example, Year 5 pupils apply their scientific knowledge to investigate which material to use on the sail of a Viking ship to allow it to travel at the fastest speed.

Teachers regularly check pupils' understanding before moving on to new learning. Teachers address any misunderstandings effectively. Pupils achieve exceptionally well in each subject that they study.

Published outcomes show that this school is in the top 10% of schools nationally for pupils meeting expected standards in mathematics and writing, and the top 4% for phonics.

Reading is a priority across the school. As soon as children start Reception, they begin to learn phonics.

Staff are experts in teaching early reading. They deliver lessons with enthusiasm. This engages pupils and helps them to quickly master phonics and learn to read fluently.

Leaders identify pupils who are not keeping up with the phonics programme. Adults support these pupils to catch up quickly, through highly effective intervention activities. There is a strong culture of reading at this school.

Children in early years demonstrate self-control and respect for one another. This is developed through the expert care and courtesy that adults demonstrate towards children. Children are encouraged to take risks, show resilience and develop independence.

Staff expertly model language. There is a focus on developing vocabulary through rhymes and stories. Parents and carers are partners in their children's learning and are regularly invited into school to share their experiences of songs, rhymes and stories.

Children are thoroughly prepared for key stage 1.

The school quickly identifies any pupils with SEND. Staff provide highly effective support for these pupils.

Leaders have developed a 'Me on a Page' document. This document captures the voice of the pupil and is available for all staff. Staff use this to adapt their teaching to the individual needs of each pupil.

This support allows pupils with SEND not only to progress well, but also to maintain their individualism and independence.

The school's work to promote personal development is exemplary. Pupils understand the similarities and differences between different world religions.

They learn about tolerance and respect. Pupil leaders organise coffee mornings to raise money for local charities. Pupils take part in regular meaningful debates.

For example, each class has an amount of money to spend on reading materials and had to debate the most useful way to spend the money. The school's provision to support the mental health of its pupils has received external recognition. The school counsellor provides one-to-one and group support for pupils who require it.

Leaders at all levels are passionate about providing the best educational experience for the pupils at Aston Fence Junior and Infant School. Leaders provide highly effective professional development opportunities for all staff. This has led to staff developing a high level of expertise and subject knowledge.

Staff well-being and workload constitute a priority for leaders. Staff are immensely proud to work at the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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