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An overwhelming sense of community and mutual respect greets you as you arrive at this school. Relationships between pupils and staff are exceptionally supportive and focused on pupils achieving their potential.
Pupils appreciate their teachers and know that they want them to be successful in their learning. As a result, they achieve well. Pupils understand and follow the school's mission of 'striving for excellence, learning for life'.
They are safe and know who to talk to about any concerns they have.
There is a purposeful atmosphere around the school. Pupils can focus on their learning.
On the very rare occasions when there is low-level disruption..., teachers act quickly and efficiently to address it. During social times, pupils move around and mix in a calm and orderly manner. This is evident in pupils' exemplary behaviour, pride in their appearance, and how they speak to visitors and staff.
The school prioritises pupils' personal development exceptionally well. Pupils receive an extensive range of careers, cultural and leadership experiences. This includes Year 8 pupils supporting younger pupils as well-being mentors.
In addition, many pupils regularly take part in a range of clubs, such as cardio-drumming and forensic science. These opportunities enhance their wider experiences effectively.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has designed a highly ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
As a result, pupils demonstrate significant achievement in their learning and are well prepared for their next stage.
The school has precisely identified the important things that pupils need to know to succeed. Teachers use activities at the start of lessons to help pupils recall and build on their learning.
Pupils welcome this and say it helps them to remember the most important information. For example, Year 6 pupils explain clearly their understanding of pentatonic scale from Year 5 music and how this now helps to develop their skills on the keyboard. Teachers effectively check pupils' understanding and whether pupils remember what they have learned before.
Teachers then make effective adaptations to ensure each pupil achieves their potential.
The school supports pupils with SEND effectively. It ensures that they access the same ambitious curriculum.
The school quickly identifies pupils who are not confident readers. Staff support them to address weaknesses in phonics, grammar and comprehension. The school supports pupils' wider reading in all year groups exceptionally well.
It provides an effective and extensive range of activities in and outside school. This helps to deepen pupils' understanding of vocabulary across a broad range of texts.
Pupils' behaviour is exemplary.
They show high levels of focus and engagement in their learning and respect for each other during breaktime and lunchtime. They welcome the positive rewards, such as 'golden tickets' linked to reading and house points, which motivate them to set a positive example in lessons and around school. Overall, school attendance is exceptionally high.
The school takes decisive action to support the small number of pupils who need to catch up on their work quickly when they return.
Personal development is a strength of this school. All pupils are exceptionally well prepared for life beyond school.
They receive appropriate, comprehensive and timely advice about the next stages of their education and career opportunities. Pupils from Years 5 onwards have opportunities including visits to local universities for Year 8. The extensive personal, social, health and economic education programme allows pupils to learn about personal safety, healthy relationships and independence.
Many external speakers talk about local and national concerns, which can affect the pupils in school.
All leaders, including those responsible for governance, understand deeply how the school's local context impacts on pupils' learning and attendance. The governing body holds the school to account well for all aspects of provision, including exceptional safeguarding and the quality of personal development.
The school has implemented a comprehensive and well-thought-out professional development programme for staff, which staff welcome. Recent changes to school policies and expectations have supported the commitment to staff workload and well-being.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.