Aughton Christ Church Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School

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About Aughton Christ Church Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School

Name Aughton Christ Church Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr David Kennedy
Address Long Lane, Aughton, Ormskirk, L39 5AS
Phone Number 01695421391
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 196
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils delight in attending this exceptional school. They bask in the care and support that the school provides. This begins in the early years, where children are nurtured by warm and welcoming staff.

Pupils love to learn and have a great thirst for knowledge.

The school has an unwavering ambition for pupils' achievement. Pupils proudly rise to meet these high expectations.

They achieve extremely well across the curriculum.

Pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), behave impeccably well. They embody the school's values in all that they do.

They are extremely considerate towards each other and to st...aff.

Pupils spoke animatedly about the many ways in which they contribute to the life of the school and the wider community. They particularly appreciate the strong links that they have with pupils in a school in Uganda.

These, and other experiences, help them to appreciate and respect people from different backgrounds and cultures to their own.

Pupils described the school as 'a family', where everyone works together in harmony to achieve their best. Parents and carers, who shared their views with inspectors, could not praise the school highly enough.

They felt very much a part of this tight-knit community.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has worked with governors, staff and pupils to meticulously craft an engaging, bespoke and highly ambitious curriculum. The school makes exceptionally good use of its well-resourced grounds and the local area to bring learning to life and to foster a love of learning.

The school has ensured that staff have an in-depth knowledge of what pupils will learn and when they will learn it. Teachers ensure that pupils build on their knowledge in logical steps from the beginning of the Reception Year to the end of Year 6. Classrooms are a hive of activity and teachers' enthusiasm for learning is infectious.

Staff skilfully check that pupils understand what has been taught. They quickly address any misconceptions that pupils may have so that they develop a strong body of knowledge over time. Pupils are incredibly keen to share their learning with others.

Staff quickly and accurately identify any additional needs of pupils with SEND. These pupils benefit from highly effective support so that they confidently access the same learning as their peers. Pupils with SEND make excellent progress through the curriculum and achieve extremely well.

The school leaves no stone unturned in its quest to ensure that pupils learn to read. Pupils appreciate the many opportunities that they have to learn about high-quality books and texts by authors from a range of different backgrounds and cultures. This begins in the early years where children listen with great concentration to much-loved stories and rhymes.

Children benefit from an extremely well-implemented reading curriculum. Any struggling readers receive timely and effective support. They read confidently and fluently.

Older pupils spoke in detail and with maturity about the books that they have enjoyed. They read with flair and enthusiasm, showing a strong understanding of complex themes and ideas.

Pupils live and breathe the school's values in all aspects of school life.

They are exceptionally well behaved. The school makes sure that pupils and their families understand the importance of high attendance. Pupils have high attendance and love to come to school each day.

The school has developed an impressive programme of exceptionally well-designed events, trips and visits to enhance and deepen pupils' learning and to develop their character. Pupils spoke animatedly about the residential visits that they enjoy every year in key stage 2. These well-thought-out activities help to develop pupils' confidence and resilience and prepare them extremely well for later life.

Pupils avidly participate in a wide array of clubs and take on many roles in school. These activities develop their leadership skills, talents and interests to an exemplary level. Pupils also learn important life skills, such as budgeting, as part of entrepreneurial events and activities.

Pupils go out of their way to support worthy causes that are close to their heart. For example, they spoke fondly about entertaining older residents by sharing uplifting songs. They also sponsored endangered orangutans and raised money for the local children's hospital.

Governors work highly effectively with the school to ensure that pupils flourish academically, socially and emotionally. They provide their unwavering support for the wealth of activities that enhance pupils' learning and broaden their horizons. As a result, pupils are exceptionally well prepared for their future lives.

Staff are incredibly proud to be part of such a positive and successful team. They appreciate all that the school does to help their well-being, such as changing the marking policy to help with workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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