Aureus Primary School

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About Aureus Primary School

Name Aureus Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Nicola Roberts
Address Clover Fields, Great Western Park, Didcot, OX11 6GS
Phone Number 01235754411
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 392
Local Authority Oxfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders strive tirelessly to empower all pupils at this school to 'dream, believe and achieve'. This ambition shines brightly through all aspects of the school's work.

Teachers ensure that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve exceptionally well.

Pupils eagerly come to school each day. Parents speak highly of the support provided.

As one parent stated, 'My daughter skips off to Aureus every day. Staff have been great in embedding a happy learning environment.'

Pupils value kindness.

They show high levels of respect to each other and to adults at all times. They are rightly proud of th...e help they give to each other when they are upset or lonely. Leaders and pupils do not tolerate bullying, meaning that incidents of bullying are extremely rare.

Leaders provide thoughtful support and guidance that helps pupils develop into responsible, articulate and impressive young people. Pupils learn how to communicate effectively with a wide variety of audiences. Pupil leaders are proud to work alongside school leaders to educate their community about sustainability.

This includes working to reduce the school's carbon footprint.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed a highly ambitious, bespoke curriculum. Their aim is to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills they need to be exceptional citizens in tomorrow's world.

Leaders have made sure that knowledge is developed in a sensible sequence right from the start of Nursery and through on to Year 6. All pupils, including those with SEND, learn the full curriculum.

Teachers' subject knowledge is very strong.

They design tasks which enable pupils to make connections in their learning both within and across subjects. For example, pupils in Year 4 could explain how they are currently using their scientific knowledge of waterproof materials learned in Year 2 to design a water-resistant coat for a teddy bear in design and technology. Additionally, pupils in Year 6 could talk in depth about the changes in farming from the Stone Age to the Victorian era, using information they had learned throughout key stage 2.

By making connections like this, pupils build knowledge in a meaningful way, can remember their learning and achieve exceptionally well.

Leaders prioritise reading. They are highly ambitious for all children to learn to read right from the start of Reception.

Leaders have ensured that pupils experience a consistent, highly effective approach to learning phonics. Adult support is used well to ensure that those who are struggling with reading get the help they need quickly. This means that almost all pupils learn to read fluently by the end of Year 1.

Teachers promote a love of books. They read high-quality texts to pupils regularly.

Story time is a joy to watch.

Pupils clearly love listening to and joining in with the stories that are read to them.

Pupils behave exceptionally well. All pupils demonstrate high levels of self-control.

They are calm, focused and engrossed in their lessons. Right from the start of early years, children learn to follow clear and consistent routines. They play well together, learning to take turns and to consider the needs of others.

Children in the early years frequently invite each other to join in with their play, making sure that no-one is left out.

Opportunities to promote pupils' personal development are extensive. These are fully interwoven and embedded into the school's curriculum.

Leaders provide opportunities for pupils to work with experts from the worlds of science, art and technology. Visits to local technology companies, and working with Science Oxford, help pupils understand how their classroom learning can be translated into the world of work.

Carefully planned extra-curricular activities and school trips enhance the curriculum, promote pupils' wider development and provide opportunities to build talents and interests.

For example, construction club and coding club help foster creative skills, while yoga, netball and football support the development of healthy lifestyles. Leaders have also forged links with local artists to work alongside pupils to build art installations in the school grounds. This helps pupils learn how talents and interests can be turned into fulfilling careers.

Leaders and those responsible for governance have a strong shared vision for the school. Their relentless focus on promoting high-quality learning for all pupils starts with what is best for the most vulnerable and those with SEND. Staff are proud to work at the school.

They value the support they receive from leaders to do a great job and make a real difference to the lives of all pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have established a strong culture of vigilance.

There are clear systems in place to identify pupils who may be at risk of harm. All staff know exactly what to do if they have a concern about a pupil. Leaders work closely with external agencies when necessary to ensure that pupils and their families who need help get this quickly.

Pupils feel safe in school. They can confidently identify trusted adults who will help them if they have a worry or a concern. Pupils have a clear, age-appropriate knowledge of how to stay safe online and when out and about in the local community.

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