Avanti Fields School

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About Avanti Fields School

Name Avanti Fields School
Website https://avanti.org.uk/avantifields/
Ofsted Inspections
Miss Vanessa Bardsley
Address 21 Bhaktivedanta Marg, Leicester, LE5 0BX
Phone Number 01163266813
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 3-16
Religious Character Hindu
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 950
Local Authority Leicester
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy attending this school.

They describe the school as having an inclusive and accepting culture. Pupils have positive relationships with staff. Leaders have created an environment in which pupils feel safe and happy.

Most staff have high expectations of pupils. Leaders have embedded what is commonly known as the 'Avanti Way' throughout all aspects of school life. This shared vision promotes educational excellence, character formation and spiritual insight.

Pupils benefit from this approach. They become well-rounded individuals.

Pupils proudly display the many badges they have earned through demonstrating leadership.

There are many ...opportunities for pupils to contribute to school life. As one pupil put it, 'Teachers support us to become upstanders, not bystanders.' Pupils know what bullying is; they are confident in calling it out and they know teachers will deal with it.

Children in the early years thrive. They are extremely well supported with love and care. They benefit from an exceptional curriculum that prepares them for the next stage.

Leaders have ensured that there is no ceiling to learning for children in Nursery and Reception years.

Many parents and carers would recommend the school. They value the high-quality education that their children receive, and the caring ethos of the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have developed an ambitious curriculum for all pupils. The curriculum includes all subjects that are in the national curriculum. Pupils also study Sanskrit and yoga.

At key stage 4, many pupils study a modern foreign language and all pupils study philosophy, religion and ethics. Pupils benefit from the highly academic core curriculum.

Teachers have considered what they want pupils to know and remember.

Most subjects are planned to ensure that pupils build on what they already know. In these subjects, pupils gain a depth of knowledge and understanding. In a small number of subjects in key stage 3, the curriculum is not as well developed as it is in other areas.

Some pupils do not always effectively build on what they know as a result.

Leaders have provided training to support all teachers to ensure that they help pupils know and remember more. Teachers have strong subject knowledge.

They use modelling well to present information. They use questioning effectively to check that pupils understand. Teachers' choice of activities often allows pupils to learn the curriculum.

However, there are occasions when the activities that some teachers choose do not precisely match the intended learning. When this occurs, pupils do not all learn as well as they should.Leaders have prioritised reading.

Children start to learn the sounds that letters make as soon as they start in the early years. Staff in the early years are early reading experts. The consistent and effective approach that they use helps children become fluent readers quickly.

Assessment is well used to identify children at risk of falling behind. Teachers use effective and expert intervention to ensure that all children keep up with the reading programme.

Pupils at the early stages of reading at key stage 3 are further supported in improving their reading ability.

Where necessary, leaders provide additional time for pupils to study an age-appropriate phonics programme. Older pupils in key stage 4 support pupils in key stage 3 to develop a love for reading, through the reading ambassador scheme. Confident readers in the secondary phase spend part of their lunchtime in the Reception phase helping children read.

Leaders ensure that teachers support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Teachers are aware of the needs of all pupils. Teachers use their training well to adapt teaching and the curriculum so pupils with SEND can achieve well.

Pupils with SEND comment positively on the support they receive from their teachers.

Many pupils behave extremely well at this school. Lunchtimes and breaks are calm and orderly.

Pupils show positive attitudes to learning. However, some pupils say that some teachers' expectations are not consistently high. This leads to small numbers of pupils not behaving as well as they can.

Regular affirmations help pupils reflect how they can be 'the best version of themselves'. The personal development curriculum prepares pupils to become responsible, respectful citizens who will be able to take their place in society. Leaders ensure that pupils are well informed about their options when they leave the school in Year 11.

Pupils are developed to be active and healthy individuals. They also learn how to stay safe.

Leaders self-evaluate the school's provision with accuracy.

Most staff agree that they are proud members of this school. The vast majority of staff feel well supported by leaders.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Teachers have a strong understanding of their role in safeguarding pupils. Leaders have trained all staff well to recognise the signs that a pupil might be at risk. All staff know how to record and report concerns about pupils swiftly.

Leaders have increased capacity to safeguard pupils as the school grows. Leaders ensure that they hold detailed records of concerns. The actions they take are appropriate and well documented.

They are quick to engage external services when needed.Trustees seek robust and regular assurances that the culture of safeguarding at the school remains strong. They understand their statutory safeguarding responsibilities.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• On occasions, some teachers do not use activities that are precisely matched to help pupils learn the intended curriculum. Some pupils do not learn as well as they should as a result. Leaders should ensure all teachers consistently use the most appropriate activities so pupils learn as well as they can.

• In a small number of subjects in key stage 3, the curriculum is not as well developed as in other subjects. As a result, opportunities for pupils to build on what they know are not maximised. Leaders should ensure that further curriculum development in these subjects focuses on ensuring that the curriculum allows pupils to build on their knowledge progressively.

• Some staff do not always follow the school's policy to manage behaviour and maintain high expectations. On occasions, a small number of pupils do not behave as well as they can. Leaders should ensure all staff follow the agreed approach to manage behaviour so that expectations are consistently high.

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