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Pupils describe Avanti as 'a very special place'. As the school has grown over the last couple of years, it has managed to retain its family ethos and strong community spirit.
Pupils of all ages get on well together. Staff are united in their aim to enable every pupil to achieve highly and to leave the school as a well-rounded individual, with strong foundations for future learning.
Pupils learn a broad range of subjects.
They also learn to speak Sanskrit, and enjoy their weekly yoga sessions. These features of the school enrich pupils' spiritual and emotional well-being. Pupils develop a strong understanding of themselves and others.
They have a var...iety of opportunities to learn about other faiths, including through visits to places of worship.
Pupils know that staff listen to them. Pupils' ideas are taken seriously.
The school council has recently been involved in designing the new playground. Pupils look after each other. Younger pupils told us that 'the buddy bus stop in the playground actually works'.
Pupils told us that they feel safe in school. Bullying is very rare, but is always dealt with efficiently.
Pupils demonstrate a keenness to learn and an eagerness to succeed.
They enjoy their lessons. Pupils' achievement in reading, writing and mathematics is particularly strong.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Children flourish in the early years.
Staff help them to become confident and inquisitive learners. Children enjoy their weekly nature walks. Staff plan children's learning carefully.
They are skilled at following children's interests and ideas. Reading, writing and mathematics are woven into all other areas of learning. Staff in the early years teach phonics consistently well.
Children's behaviour in the early years is impeccable. They persevere and concentrate on different activities. They love to talk about their learning.
Children showed us how to add and subtract different numbers of plasticine baubles on the Christmas trees they were making. They could explain the ingredients needed for their mud-kitchen mince pies.
Reading is given high priority from the time pupils start school.
Pupils confidently use phonics and quickly become fluent readers. Older pupils grapple with challenging texts and talk articulately about their favourite stories. Pupils enjoy spending time in the library which they designed.
They particularly enjoy hearing their teachers read to them.
Leaders ensure that pupils' learning in mathematics and English is planned in a way that enables pupils to gain secure knowledge and skills. Plans in computing, Sanskrit, music and physical education are well thought out.
But this is not the case in art, geography and history. Leaders know that they need to improve the way these subjects are planned and delivered.
Teachers know their pupils well and the atmosphere in classrooms is purposeful and focused on learning.
The support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities is very well planned.
Teachers are good at checking pupils' learning in English and mathematics. In some subjects, the use of assessment could be even better.
Leaders and all staff place a strong emphasis on promoting pupils' character and their personal development. These are key features of the 'Avanti Way' and the school's aims. Pupils develop a strong sense of self-belief and an understanding of respect and tolerance.
Older pupils told us all about different types of family, for example, and we saw pupils discussing suffering in the world and what they could do to put an end to it.
Pupils learn about the different types of bullying. They have confidence in the staff's ability to deal with any incidents that arise.
Leaders enrich pupils' learning with competitions and events. For example, pupils told us about their entrepreneur competition. They pitched their ideas to the judges and two of their entries got through to the final.
This resulted in them making and selling 'juice fusions' and egg-free cakes at the summer fair. Leaders provide a range of after-school activities, including in dance, music and sports.
A high number of parents and carers came to see us.
These parents wanted to say how happy they are with the school and how much their children flourish. However, a small number of parents told us that they were unhappy with the school's work. Inspectors found no evidence to support these concerns.
Trustees and members of the school stakeholder committee make sure that pupils are safe and learn well. The trust provides well-planned opportunities for staff development. Teachers and other staff told us that they feel well supported by the headteacher and senior leaders.
They work together commendably as a strong team.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff always keep pupils' safety and welfare in mind.
They report any concerns, however minor, to the designated safeguarding leaders, who deal with these appropriately and quickly.
Computing lessons include regular opportunities for pupils to understand how to keep themselves safe online.
Pupils told us that they feel safe in school.
This is not only because adults keep them safe, but also because pupils look after each other like one big family. The school's work to promote pupils' spiritual and emotional well-being contributes to their feelings of safety.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
Reading, writing and mathematics are well planned.
Leaders and teachers are clear about what they want pupils to know and learn in each year group. Planning in these subjects leads to pupils knowing more and remembering more. Pupils achieve well.
However, in art, history and geography, the curriculum is not planned and sequenced coherently enough. However, it is clear from the actions that leaders have already taken to plan other parts of the curriculum that they are in the process of bringing this about. Leaders need to ensure that pupils' achievement improves, and that pupils develop secure knowledge and skills in these subjects.
. Teachers' use of assessment is strong in English and mathematics. In some of the other subjects it is inconsistent.
Teachers know their pupils well and provide a range of activities to find out what pupils know in each topic, such as using 'mind maps'. But these systems do not relate to the intended curriculum outcomes in each subject. Without adding to teachers' workloads, leaders need to ensure that teachers check what pupils know and understand as they move through the school.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.