Avondale Park Primary School

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About Avondale Park Primary School

Name Avondale Park Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Ben McMullen
Address Sirdar Road, London, W11 4EE
Phone Number 02077277727
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 296
Local Authority Kensington and Chelsea
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Staff, pupils, parents and carers are proud to be part of this close-knit school community. Leaders have created a school where every person is valued.

Pupils feel secure and well cared for. Professional relationships between staff and pupils are warm and respectful.

The school values of aspiration, respect and resilience are threaded through school life.

Pupils are encouraged to learn from their mistakes. They receive rewards for trying hard. They are keen learners and know the importance of education.

Staff prepare pupils well for their next steps. Leaders want pupils to learn right from the start of Reception that they can succeed. This is reflect...ed in the school's motto, 'Dream, believe and achieve'.

Pupils in Year 6, for example, like finding out about future education and work opportunities through various careers projects and workshops.

Leaders offer a wide variety of educational outings to extend and enhance pupils' learning. This is an important part of the curriculum.

For example, pupils in Year 3 visited the science museum as part of their learning about forces. In art, staff use the local area to inspire pupils' artwork, such as studying different forms of architecture in Year 5.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders introduced a new curriculum this academic year.

This curriculum is ambitious and reflects leaders' commitment to providing all pupils with a high standard of education. Leaders have ensured that the curriculum matches the scope of the national curriculum. Pupils learn a broad range of subjects across all year groups.

Leaders have carefully planned the curriculum from Reception to Year 6. In the early years, staff ensure that pupils are well prepared for Year 1. For example, in mathematics, children in Reception practised adding numbers up to 10, using cubes to help them count.

Children learned about plant cycles through growing cress from seed. This lays the foundations for learning about concepts such as germination in Year 2.

Teachers know exactly what to teach and when.

They emphasise and revisit essential subject content so that it sticks in pupils' memories. For example, pupils in Year 3 recalled key facts about ancient Egypt. This knowledge helped them when learning about other ancient civilisations.

Teachers check pupils' learning carefully. When reviewing the curriculum, leaders identified gaps in pupils' knowledge. Staff have started to address these but more time is needed to embed the curriculum fully.

Leaders support teachers well with subject-specific training as staff get used to the new curriculum.The provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is a strength of the school. Leaders identify pupils' individual needs accurately at an early stage.

They have a detailed understanding of the different and sometimes complex needs of pupils. Leaders gave careful thought to the tailored support given to pupils with SEND. Teaching staff adjust their teaching to ensure pupils can access the learning.

As a result, all pupils achieve well.

Leaders promote a love of reading across the school. 'Reading Heroes' in Year 4 recommend books to pupils through their detailed book reviews.

Pupils enjoy events such as 'World Book Fortnight', which includes visits from local authors. Children start learning to read at the start of Reception. Staff teach phonics following a structured programme.

They identify any weaker readers and provide additional support to help pupils catch up quickly. Sometimes, pupils who are learning to read are not given books to read that help them to practise the specific sounds they know.

Leaders offer a variety of after-school clubs, such as drumming, arts and crafts and judo.

Pupils enjoy trying out different sports and competing against other local schools. School council members are represented from all year groups. Older pupils have opportunities to take on leadership roles such as head boy and girl.

Pupils are attentive in lessons. Teachers are quick to sort out any occasional low-level disruption. Pupils like having time to reflect and be calm after playtimes.

They said that this helps them to focus on their learning. Pupils discuss moral issues through frequent debates. For example, in a recent assembly, pupils considered whether it is ever right to tell lies.

Pupils learn about and are respectful of people's differences.

Staff enjoy working here. Leaders do what they can to make workload manageable and are considerate of staff's well-being.

The governing body is committed to improving the school further. Governors are supportive of the school's leadership team and challenge leaders appropriately.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders make sure that pupils' safety and well-being have the highest priority. They know pupils' individual circumstances well and work closely with families. This helps them to identify and manage potential concerns.

Staff are vigilant in looking out for any changes in pupils' behaviour. They understand and follow the school's safeguarding procedures. Any concerns about pupils are logged and followed up promptly and appropriately.

Pupils are encouraged to keep themselves safe. For example, they are taught about resisting peer pressure and not sharing their personal information online. Staff provide a range of resources to support pupils' emotional well-being, such as art therapy.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Changes to the curriculum are not fully embedded. Teachers are still getting used to delivering the new curriculum content and addressing gaps in pupils' knowledge and coverage from the previous curriculum. Leaders should ensure that they embed the new curriculum and continue to develop staff expertise so that they can implement it with confidence.

• Sometimes, the books pupils are given to read are not closely matched to the phonic sounds that pupils already know. This means pupils are not helped to practise what they have learned. While pupils achieve well overall in reading, leaders should make sure that all books that pupils are given to practise reading are matched precisely to the phonics that pupils have learned.

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