Avonwood Primary School

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About Avonwood Primary School

Name Avonwood Primary School
Website http://www.avonwoodprimaryschool.org.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Chris Jackson
Address Harewood Avenue, Bournemouth, BH7 6NB
Phone Number 01202727910
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 536
Local Authority Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Avonwood Primary School is an exceptional place to learn.

The school's relentless focus on every pupil experiencing 'the magic of primary school' shines through. From the start of the early years, pupils excel. Rich and diverse experiences extend pupils' understanding far beyond the academic.

The school has the highest ambition for every pupil to achieve well. They do.

Behaviour is exemplary.

Pupils know exactly what is expected of them because inspiring staff show them how to behave. Relationships between staff and pupils are delightful. Pupils develop mature attitudes through the school's charter.

As a result, they embody values such as be...ing interconnected and loving one another.

The school's motto, 'It starts with one', exemplifies the school's approach to giving pupils responsibilities. Pupils have a strong sense of altruism.

They decide which charities to support. They benefit from meaningful leadership opportunities, such as acting as friendship ambassadors who make highly positive contributions to the school. Talents and interests are sparked.

From coding to choir, there are clubs for everyone. The school welcomes a range of visitors, such as scientists and authors from across the world, as well as nurses to model heart dissections. Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the school's work to 'inspire wonder'.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school and trust have skilfully designed a highly ambitious curriculum that enables pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to achieve highly. This demonstrates the culture of aspiration at Avonwood. In all subjects, the knowledge that pupils are expected to learn is set out clearly.

Pupils learn exceptionally well across the curriculum. They build their knowledge and make sophisticated connections between learning. For example, in history, pupils expertly share their knowledge about the Vikings and the Mayan civilisation, making links to concepts such as power and invasion.

They develop a deep understanding of each subject. All subjects are highly regarded. Pupils thrive and make excellent progress because of these rich and broad opportunities.

Dedicated staff at every level share a commitment to refining the curriculum. Staff training is of the utmost importance. The school has used research to inform practice.

It has invested in ensuring there is an agreed approach to teaching each subject. This is delivered to a consistently high standard. Teachers use questioning to expertly draw out any misconceptions.

These are swiftly addressed. Leaders have a relentless focus on doing well for every pupil. The school successfully adapts learning for pupils with SEND.

Effective systems for identification mean pupils swiftly get any additional support they need. As a result, pupils with SEND progress through the curriculum exceptionally well.

Reading is front and centre of the school's curriculum.

Staff deliver the phonics programme with the utmost precision. Pupils keep up with their learning because of highly effective support that is put in place where needed. The books pupils read are very well matched to the sounds they have learned.

Consequently, the large majority of pupils are highly able readers by the end of Year 1. Pupils relish listening to their teachers read. Staff provide older pupils with opportunities to develop oracy in reading comprehension lessons.

Painted story pebbles and jars, as well as 'first chapter Friday', enthuse pupils to become avid readers developing a passion for reading.

Children in the early years blossom. Staff expertly develop children's communication through high quality interactions.

Learning activities precisely match the knowledge leaders want children to learn. For example, children independently make repeating patterns using pegs and make estimates of numbers up to 20 in their mathematics learning. Children can articulate their learning exceptionally well.

Pupils have a strong moral perspective that stems from the school's eight charter principles. They are excited to come to school and do not want to miss out. The school's meticulous work to continually drive attendance means that pupils' attendance is high.

The school's work to develop character is impressive. Opportunities are carefully considered to broaden pupils' experiences. Pupils develop their character by speaking to their local MP about how to improve their local area.

Young carers clubs show pupils' compassion for others. Pupils created 'waffle waffle' club to give them dedicated time to share conversation over breakfast. They enjoy taking part in music festivals, such as the New Milton Festival.

Pupils develop a strong sense of belonging. They say they represent the school with pride.

Trustees and local governors are equally ambitious for what the school achieves.

They rigorously hold leaders to account. The combined approach of the school, trust and local governance on the development of the curriculum has had an extremely positive impact on staff workload and wellbeing.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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