BRIT School for Performing Arts and Technology

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About BRIT School for Performing Arts and Technology

Name BRIT School for Performing Arts and Technology
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Stuart Worden
Address 60 The Crescent, Selhurst, Croydon, CR0 2HN
Phone Number 02086655242
Phase Secondary
Type City technology college
Age Range 14-19
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1436
Local Authority Croydon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a school where pupils thrive and flourish. Pupils, especially those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), immerse themselves in their educational passion here. Teachers guide pupils expertly to master and refine their skills across subjects.

As a result, pupils are successfully prepared for their next educational steps and, when ready, to enter industry.

Pupils love to learn here. From the moment they begin at BRIT, pupils respond positively to the school's very high academic and behavioural expectations.

The school helps pupils to learn together and to develop leadership skills. These qualities are role modelled by students in th...e sixth form, who exhibit responsibility, teamwork and empathy. This creates a school culture that simulates a professional workplace.

Within this safe space, pupils know that they can be themselves, and that they are free from prejudice.

The school provides exemplary enrichment opportunities that deepen pupils' understanding of their studies. For example, theatre students regularly visit many London theatres and all pupils in Years 10 and 12 complete relevant work experience placements.

The school also prioritises pupils' mental health. The personal development curriculum is tailored carefully to the school's context. These classes help pupils to debate relevant moral issues sensitively and to navigate a life in the arts with confidence.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school achieves its aim to prepare pupils for a career in the creative industries, should they choose to pursue one. All leaders work closely with employers relevant to the courses that the school delivers. The school refines and grows the curriculum in response to this work.

It provides a unique and distinctive curriculum that meets pupils' needs and prepares them for industry. For example, as part of the interactive digital design course, students learn web and graphic design, motion graphics and animation.

Leaders ensure that pupils in Years 10 and 11 have access to a broad curriculum, including arts subjects beyond their specialism and the option to study the English Baccalaureate combination of subjects.

This breadth and quality allows pupils to change their main specialism if necessary and for sixth-form students to study subjects including English and mathematics at university.

Across all subjects, the school has organised the curriculum so that pupils build their skills and knowledge systematically. Pupils are highly engaged and learn effectively in their specialism (known as 'strand') and in national curriculum subjects.

For example, in GCSE history and in dance, teaching constantly checks that pupils understand what they have been taught, and that pupils are engrossed in learning. Teachers have expert knowledge. They build pupils' understanding securely, whatever their starting points.

Pupils from different strands collaborate meaningfully and lead projects, deepening their understanding of their future careers. For example, Year 13 production arts students follow a timetable that mirrors a professional working day. Through this, they produce, organise and run a two-act musical theatre show.

This involves set design and construction, costume making, stage management and live sound. Music technology students then record and mix the performance.

When ready, pupils use professional standard facilities to enhance their learning.

By the end of their time at the school, students in the sixth form are equipped with the industry knowledge and learning behaviours that they need to be successful.

Pupils are mature and work hard independently. The school provides help and guidance for pupils who require additional emotional and well-being support.

This includes a team of on-site professional counsellors. Pupils actively support each other's well-being and their attendance is very high.

The school supports pupils with SEND particularly well.

Staff know the individual learning needs of each pupil with SEND and identify any emerging SEND needs where necessary. Teachers then adapt resources effectively to ensure that pupils with SEND excel and perform in line with their peers. The school gives the small number of pupils who struggle with their reading effective support.

The careers department has enduring links with many employers across the arts. The department provides exceptional work experience opportunities, which the school allocates fairly to all pupils. Pupils have access to individualised careers advice while at the school and after they leave.

Pupils past and present make regular use of this excellent resource. Pupils in Years 10 and 12 take part in extensive community outreach work, as part of 'Brit Reach'. Through this, pupils are encouraged to take an active role in the local community.

Those responsible for governance visit the school regularly and make sure that leaders are held to account for all of the work that they do. In addition to their roles liaising with industry and raising funds, trustees also ensure that pupils are safe and that they receive an excellent education.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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