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Badbury Park Primary School is a friendly and welcoming school. It is a nurturing and inclusive place to learn.
The school's '4 Bs' values lie at the heart of its work. From the moment pupils start at Badbury Park, they are encouraged to 'be ambitious', 'be adventurous' and 'be curious'. Positive relationships are a high priority for the school.
There is a collective responsibility for everyone to 'be kind' to each other.
The school prioritises pupils' well-being and safety. Staff form trusting, caring relationships with pupils.
As a result, pupils feel happy, safe and valued. They can talk to trusted adults if they have any worries or concerns. Pupi...ls of all ages play well together.
They show care and consideration towards each other. Playtimes and lunchtimes are enjoyable for all.
The school has high expectations for how pupils behave.
Pupils meet these expectations and understand, appreciate and celebrate difference. Pupils are polite and well mannered. They show high levels of respect to one another.
The school's vision runs through the curriculum, which is ambitious. Pupils' experiences are broadened through a range of trips and visitors. They enjoy taking on additional responsibilities, for example as members of the school council.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has designed a broad and ambitious curriculum. Learning is well sequenced, so pupils build on their knowledge over time. The curriculum is designed to develop pupils' curiosity about the world.
It makes links to the local area. There is a focus on using the outdoor environment, taking advantage of the school's location.
Pupils progress well through the curriculum in most subjects and can recall their prior learning.
For example, pupils can share what they have learned during investigative work in science lessons. Pupils develop a sense of time and learn a chronology of important events through the history curriculum. In music, pupils describe appraising different styles of music to 'respect the music you are listening to'.
The school recognises that the curriculum needs further embedding. For example, in some foundation subjects the school has not yet identified the precise knowledge it wants pupils to know and remember. As a result, pupils do not always gain the depth of understanding they need to make links with previous learning.
Learning is not always adapted sufficiently in relation to what pupils know and can do to ensure all pupils build on their prior knowledge well enough.
A love of reading is visible across the school. This starts in the Nursery, where children begin to hear and identify sounds.
This sets them up well for Reception, where they start learning phonics straight away. Pupils quickly learn the knowledge they need to be able to blend these sounds together to read simple words. The reading curriculum is well organised and sets out what pupils should know and by when.
Staff have the expertise to ensure that there is a consistent approach to the teaching of phonics and reading. The school regularly checks pupils' phonics knowledge and identifies those who need extra support. These pupils receive the help they need.
Reading books match pupils' phonics knowledge accurately, which helps them to build their fluency.
Pupils enjoy listening to a wide range of stories in class. In Nursery, children enjoy joining in with rhymes and familiar stories.
This enthusiasm continues as they move through the school. Teachers read and discuss high-quality texts with their classes. As a result, pupils build their reading knowledge and develop a passion for reading.
The school has developed a nurturing and inclusive environment. In the early years, adults quickly get to know the needs of the children. The school swiftly identifies pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Staff have the expertise they need to support and adapt learning for pupils with SEND. As a result, pupils with SEND progress well through the curriculum.
The school's values underpin the approach to pupils' personal development.
Pupils learn about tolerance, diversity and equality. They understand about healthy relationships and know what it means to be a good friend. Pupils know how to keep themselves physically and mentally healthy and how to stay safe online.
They learn how to talk about their feelings in ways appropriate to their age.
Trustees and local governors understand their roles well. They provide effective support and challenge to the school.
They manage resources well and hold the school to account to bring about improvement.
Staff are proud to work at the school. The trust values the importance in developing staff expertise.
This ensures the curriculum is implemented well. Staff appreciate the training they receive and feel well supported by school leaders and the trust.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some subjects, the school has not yet identified the essential knowledge that pupils need to learn and by when. Where this is the case, pupils do not gain the depth of understanding they require to make connections with prior learning. The trust needs to ensure that essential knowledge that pupils need to know and remember is identified in all subjects.
Learning is not adapted sufficiently to enable some pupils to deepen their knowledge and understanding. As a result, these pupils do not build their knowledge as well as they could. The trust needs to ensure that learning is adapted when necessary to ensure all pupils progress as well as possible through the curriculum.