Badsley Primary School

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About Badsley Primary School

Name Badsley Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Mark Windle
Address Badsley Moor Lane, Rotherham, S65 2QS
Phone Number 01709828665
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 577
Local Authority Rotherham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders, staff and pupils all make Badsley Primary a warm and friendly place to learn. Pupils are happy and relaxed.

They look out for each other. When children become upset, their friends often direct them towards a teacher. Staff are kind and reassuring.

Pupils behave well. Adults and pupils expect everyone to have high standards of behaviour. Pupils told inspectors that, although uncommon, bullying does happen.

Occasionally, there is some name-calling. However, pupils say that this sort of behaviour is unacceptable and that adults deal with any problems or concerns pupils have immediately.

Pupils respect their teachers and the opinions of others i...n the class.

This helps pupils to feel comfortable in lessons. They are encouraged to ask questions and have discussions. They are not put off when they do not know an answer.

Adults work well together. They set a good example for pupils to follow. Pupils show good manners and are polite.

Staff want the very best for all pupils. Pupils' good behaviour and positive view of learning help them to concentrate and learn well.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The new headteacher and deputy headteacher are a strong team.

They are passionate about making sure that all pupils are learning well. Parents and carers told inspectors about this 'amazing team'. Everyone is rightly proud of how well pupils behave and the strong progress they now make in their learning.

Leaders know that turning pupils into lifelong readers is a priority. Leaders and staff know that this means they must teach pupils to read quickly and effectively. From early years to Year 6, books and print are everywhere.

Staff are well trained in helping pupils learn to read. Staff teach phonics well. Teachers check pupils' understanding to make sure that they do not fall behind.

If they need help, it is given straight away. Comfortable reading areas are commonplace around school. Pupils talk enthusiastically about the books they have read and those that are read to them.

Leaders carefully plan what pupils need to learn. They check that what pupils have learned before helps them with what they are going to learn next. In some subjects, teachers do this extremely well, such as in reading, mathematics, physical education and computing.

For example, children in early years learn how to manipulate a mouse and move items around a computer screen. In key stage 1, they use this knowledge to help them create slide shows so that by key stage 2, pupils can use everything they have previously learned to help them with coding and debugging. Leaders know that in other subjects, such as history and science, the sequencing of learning is not as strong as this.

It could be better.Teachers check what pupils understand. If a pupil struggles to understand or cannot recall what they have learned before, teachers make sure that they get extra help straight away.

Pupils say that this really helps them. However, some teachers are not always aware of what pupils have remembered from their previous learning.

Staff aim high for what all pupils can achieve.

Teachers plan lots of events and activities to make sure that pupils experience the world beyond their own community. Residential trips and fundraising events give pupils opportunities to consider how important their behaviour and actions are to others. Sensitive issues, such as transgender and knife crime, are dealt with in an age-appropriate way.

For pupils with special educational needs and/or disability (SEND), extra help is specific to their individual needs. Leaders for SEND work with other professionals, such as occupational therapists, to make sure that support is right for each pupil. They also work closely with the teachers, pupils and parents to make sure that the support each pupil is receiving is helping them to achieve well.

Parents commented during inspection about how the school has helped their child 'reach their full potential'. They also commented on how well things were explained to them and how involved they felt. This good work makes sure that pupils with SEND achieve well.

Leaders and governors know how important it is that all staff are well trained and feel valued. All staff receive very regular training. Staff comment on how happy they are at this school and how closely they all work as a team.

Governors and the local authority have helped and supported the new leadership team extremely well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Pupils' safety is taken seriously.

All staff are well trained. They confidently talk about what they should do if they have any concerns. Parents' comments, such as 'If my child has a problem, which is very rare, I have no problem that it will be dealt with promptly', are not uncommon.

It is clear from talking to pupils that they feel the same way. Parents, pupils and staff do say that bullying happens, for example in the form of name-calling, but it is not common. On the odd occasion when words such as 'gay' are used offensively, adults make it clear that this is not acceptable and deal with it quickly.

However, senior leaders do not pay enough attention to how often some derogatory words are being used.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

In some subjects, what pupils are learning is clearly linked to what they have learned before. For example, in mathematics, teachers emphasise the number facts pupils have learned previously when working out more complex calculations.

This cumulative sequencing of learning is not as strong in other subjects. Leaders know that learning needs to be broken down, step by step, in all subjects, so that pupils can build their knowledge and skills progressively. Further work is needed to ensure that this becomes the norm.

. Teachers are continually checking what pupils know and understand. However, teachers need to establish clearly what pupils have remembered long term.

This will help staff to make effective decisions about what pupils need to practise, reinforce or revisit in order to consolidate their learning. This is done well in some subjects, such as reading and mathematics, but not in many of the foundation subjects. .

The use of derogatory language, such as the word 'gay' when used offensively, is not tolerated. However, when derogatory language is used, it needs to be recorded in more detail so that patterns and trends can be identified. This lack of rigorous monitoring means that pastoral staff cannot clearly identify what action needs to be taken.

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