Bailey Green Primary School

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About Bailey Green Primary School

Name Bailey Green Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Lisa Taylor
Address West Bailey, Killingworth, NE12 6QL
Phone Number 01912509025
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 0-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 457
Local Authority North Tyneside
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are proud to attend this school.

They are happy. Visitors are greeted with warm welcomes and broad smiles. Pupils benefit from an excellent quality of education and pastoral care.

High ambition and expectation mean that pupils thrive and achieve exceptionally well in this school.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary in lessons and at social times. Relationships between pupils and staff are very positive and respectful.

Pupils look after each other and embrace each other's individual differences. Pupils undertake a wide range of roles and responsibilities, such as being a school safeguarding leader and sport leader. Pupils are wonderful ambassadors f...or themselves, their teachers and the school.

Most parents are positive about the school. One parent summarised these views by saying, 'Bailey Green is a wonderful school with amazing staff who care passionately for each and every child.'

The school goes above and beyond to provide its pupils with a wealth of opportunities beyond the academic.

Wider opportunities are carefully considered to meet the needs of all learners. The school is at the heart of the community. Passion from staff enables all pupils to succeed.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has developed an ambitious, well-planned and well-sequenced curriculum. This enables pupils' knowledge to deepen over time. The curriculum helps pupils to build on what they already know.

This supports pupils to make connections in their learning. For example, in physical education (PE), pupils are taught specific skills, which they then apply to a game. Pupil PE leaders are used very effectively in lessons to promote peers' confidence and motivation.

Leaders ensure that teachers access highly effective training to bring the curriculum to life. Staff are subject experts. They reflect on curriculum plans and make refinements to ensure the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are met.

The school has skilfully connected the curriculum in early years to prepare the children for learning in key stage 1.

Pupils with SEND benefit from targeted support for academic and social needs. Staff access appropriate training.

Pupils with SEND achieve well and make strong progress across the school. Gaps in learning are identified early. Skilled leaders and staff provide in-class support and effective interventions to meet a wide range of additional needs.

The school has mental health staff and pupil leaders who support pupils' well-being effectively.

Reading is a high priority for the school. Staff are ambitious for all.

Pupils benefit from carefully structured phonics lessons. Pupils quickly gain the knowledge and skills they need to become confident, fluent readers. Staff consistently use the same language and strategies to support pupils.

Phonics is taught with rigour and pace. Pupils read from books that accurately match to the sounds that letters represent and to the words they know. The school library is well used and well resourced.

Pupils benefit from a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books that are matched to their interests. Class novels are exciting and engaging. Pupils talk passionately about their love of reading.

Pupils choose to read for pleasure in school and at home.

Provision in the early years is exceptional. From starting school, children make outstanding progress.

Children in early years are confident, articulate and can talk about their learning. They remember key facts, such as who Grace Darling was and that she used a lighthouse to save lives. Across the school, learning environments are vibrant, stimulating and well resourced.

Outdoor provision gives all pupils the opportunity to play games, climb and socialise. Children in the early years love the new addition of the outdoor mud kitchen.

Starting in the early years, the provision for pupils' personal development is exceptionally strong.

It extends beyond the expected and provides many purposeful opportunities. Pupils' understanding of fundamental British values and protected characteristics is exceptional. Pupils understand how to keep themselves safe outside of school and online.

The high standard of provision reflects the school's well-thought-out curriculum offer for personal, social and health education. Pupils talk confidently and enthusiastically about clubs, residential visits and school trips. Clubs such as horse riding and cheerleading have proved to be incredibly popular.

Leaders listen carefully to pupils' views to shape their extra-curricular club offer.

School leaders are highly effective. Staff are overwhelmingly positive about the school.

Governors know the school incredibly well and carry out their roles effectively. The school manages the workload and well-being of staff exceptionally well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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