Barlows Primary School

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About Barlows Primary School

Name Barlows Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Stacey Feenan
Address Barlows Lane, Fazakerley, Liverpool, L9 9EH
Phone Number 01515252751
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 441
Local Authority Liverpool
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a warm and caring school.

Pupils support each other. They are committed to the school's central values, such as kindness and teamwork. Pupils behave well.

They are polite and well mannered and move around the school in an orderly way. This results in a calm and purposeful atmosphere for learning. Pupils feel happy and safe in school.

They are aware of who they can talk to if they have a concern.

The school has high aspirations for its pupils. Pupils strive to meet these expectations.

They have positive attitudes to learning and they are keen to do well. They learn to 'dream and achieve' and to believe that they can do whatever they their minds to. They achieve well.

Pupils are provided with a wide range of opportunities beyond the academic curriculum that help them to develop their interests and talents. For example, pupils sing in the choir and take part in cooking, language and sporting clubs. Pupils are enthused about the opportunities that they receive in and out of the classroom.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has established a well-structured curriculum, which is ambitious for pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Teachers have strong subject knowledge. This helps them to deliver the curriculum effectively.

Their careful choice of learning activities enables pupils to become more knowledgeable, resilient and confident learners as they move through each year group. However, pupils' secure progress through the curriculum is not reflected in the provisional 2024 published data. Pupils' attainment in reading, writing and mathematics was significantly below the national average.

This was due to weaknesses in the curriculum in the past. The school has taken effective action to remedy this situation. This means that current pupils are achieving well.

The school has identified the important knowledge that it wants pupils to learn. Teachers make sure that lessons build on what pupils already know and can do. As a result, pupils, including those with SEND, develop their understanding so that they are well prepared for the next steps in their learning.

However, in some subjects, the school has not finalised its approach to how it checks pupils' learning. As a result, teachers are not as alert to gaps in pupils' knowledge in these subjects.

Pupils with SEND are identified quickly and supported well.

Those pupils with more complex needs benefit from thoughtful and personalised support.

The school priorities reading. Pupils have access to a wealth of reading resources and opportunities to read.

As a result, they are enthusiastic about reading. Children are immersed in the rich use of language from their time in the Nursery Year. This allows them to confidently start their phonics programme from the beginning of the Reception Year.

Teachers' checks ensure that they identify any pupils struggling to keep up. The school provides effective support for these pupils, so they are able to catch up. As a result, pupils develop into accurate and fluent readers.

Pupils' behaviour in class and around the school is respectful. The school's new rewards system motivates pupils to do their best. Pupils' attendance is a high priority for the school.

As a result of the school's effective work, pupils' attendance is improving and rates of persistent absence are declining.

The school provides a wealth of opportunities for pupils' wider development. These have been carefully designed to ensure equal access for all pupils.

Pupils have the opportunity to understand differing cultures and beliefs through trips and visitors to the school. These experiences enrich their lives and allow them to develop a sense of life in modern Britain. Many pupils undertake responsibilities in the school.

They recognise the value of these roles and the meaningful contribution that they make to the school.

Staff benefit from the training and support that they receive. Governors know the school well.

They are knowledgeable and have an accurate understanding of the quality of education that pupils receive. This enables them to provide effective support and challenge to improve the school further.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few subjects, the school's approaches to checking how well pupils are learning are not fully developed. This means that gaps in pupils' learning are not routinely identified or addressed. The school should refine its assessment practice and ensure that teaching takes account of, and builds on, what pupils already know and can do.

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