Barnehurst Infant School

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About Barnehurst Infant School

Name Barnehurst Infant School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Louise Shields
Address Barnehurst Close, Northumberland Heath, Erith, DA8 3NL
Phone Number 01322334401
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-7
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 229
Local Authority Bexley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy when they arrive to school each morning. They are welcomed by friendly staff. Staff expect the very best from pupils at all times.

Pupils are familiar with the routines and high expectations of them. This is particularly impressive in the early years, where children learn routines very quickly. Pupils demonstrate a love for learning.

They are extremely happy and safe here.

Pupils form positive friendships with their peers. They have very positive working relationships with staff who expect pupils to behave well at all times.

Behaviour is impressive during lessons, around the school and in the playground. Staff make it a priority to all pupils and their families very well. They do a sterling job in supporting pupils in the best ways possible.

Parents and carers speak highly of the school. They consider it an important part of the local community. They commented on how regularly staff go above and beyond to support them and their children.

Leaders have ensured that they have created a curriculum that helps develop pupils into global citizens. They have carefully planned school visits that link with pupils' learning. The school prepares pupils for the next stages in their education exceptionally well.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed an aspirational curriculum that goes beyond the expectations of the national curriculum. The curriculum is sequenced well. This journey begins as soon as children start school.

Staff training is a key priority. This means that subject leaders know their areas of responsibility very well. In turn, they train staff to deliver the entire curriculum with confidence, too.

Expectations of all pupils including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are consistently high. The identification and provision for these pupils is impressive.

Through routine assessments, staff check pupils' prior knowledge.

They pick up gaps and misconceptions and address them swiftly. Teachers make sure that they ignite enthusiasm for each subject for all pupils. They build on learning in each lesson, adding to what pupils know and remember.

As a result, pupils build on increasingly complex subject content over time. For example, when learning about the Victorian era, pupils made comparisons on how children lived then compared to life as a child today.

Staff challenge all pupils in lessons.

In mathematics, pupils use resources confidently to support them with their learning. In Reception, children use known vocabulary to compare and sort a range of 2D shapes confidently. Adults reinforce the use of vocabulary skilfully by modelling it accurately.

Resources across the school are chosen and used appropriately. The use of technology in each lesson to support learning is very impressive.Leaders have made reading a top priority.

It is taught consistently well. Teachers help support all pupils with their reading, including those who have fallen behind in phonics. Where necessary, pupils receive regular bespoke support.

This helps to make sure that they quickly catch up with their peers. Teachers across the school promote the love of reading. They have chosen books that will interest pupils and reflect the school's inclusive and diverse curriculum.

Pupils are keen to share their favourite books and authors.

Leaders work with outside agencies effectively to best support pupils with SEND. Staff are expertly guided in adapting learning for pupils to access the full curriculum.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. They have positive attitudes to their education and are fully engaged in their learning. Staff give pupils the tools to resolve any minor conflicts.

Pupils know what makes a good friend and strive to be one for their peers. In early years, children show incredible concentration and determination when completing tasks. They work beautifully with others, but are also able to work independently.

Leaders have developed a curriculum that fosters the school's values of resilience, equality, kindness and courage. They have carefully thought about how to encourage pupils to become 'global citizens'. Pupils learn about positive relationships and different family units.

Staff plan school visits regularly to strengthen the curriculum offer. Pupils have access to a broad range of extra-curricular clubs which cover their interests and talents.

When attendance is low, leaders work closely with families so that it rapidly improves.

Staff are proud to work here and feel completely cared for by senior leaders. They value the way leaders look out for their well-being. Governors and trustees are fully aware of their statutory duties.

They both support and challenge school leaders regularly. Trust leaders know the school well and provide school leaders with the bespoke support they need.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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