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Pupils flourish in this incredibly nurturing and harmonious place. They rise to the school's high expectations of their conduct and learning. They achieve well.
Pupils go out of their way to welcome others to their inclusive school. They develop warm, respectful and professional relationships with staff. Pupils, including children in the early years, are happy.
They feel safe and trust that the school will deal with incidents of any unkindness quickly.
Pupils value deeply the responsibility of their leadership roles. For instance, as eco-warriors, members of the school council, digital leaders, reading buddies, librarians and mental health ambassadors. ...r/>Pupils learn about the importance of empathy and helping others. They volunteer at the Barns Green marathon in the village and participate enthusiastically in local festivities. Pupils organise a range of events to raise funds and donations for causes they support, including for international causes.
The school ensures that pupils develop a wide range of interests and hobbies. Pupils look forward to taking part in the art, choir, sports and woodland wonder clubs. They pursue their creative flair by learning to play a wide range of musical instruments.
The school's outdoor learning programme helps pupils learn to take risks safely, look after the environment and become independent.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school is ambitious for all staff and pupils to succeed. It has razor-sharp focus to make sure that the quality of education is of high quality.
Together with their well-motivated and capable team, school leaders have designed a creative, purposeful and interesting curriculum. For instance, pupils build a broader appreciation of different topics by visiting art galleries, museums and the theatre.
The curriculums in all subjects, and including in the early years, set out exactly what pupils should learn step by step.
Additionally, it has been refined to cater for the mixed-age groups as well as in Reception class. Through a bespoke 'cycle approach', pupils revisit their learning regularly. The school makes sure that all pupils, including disadvantaged pupils and any pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), learn the important skills and technical vocabulary at the right stage.
Pupils leave school well prepared for the next stage of their education.
Teaching pupils to read confidently is a high priority for the school. Staff are well trained to teach early reading.
The school makes sure that the books pupils read help them practise the sounds they are confident in producing. Any pupils who fall behind are given swift support to catch up quickly. Pupils, and children in the early years, enjoy visiting the well-stocked library and listening to stories staff read and recommend.
They take great delight in talking about their favourite authors and texts. Pupils achieve well in the published outcomes.
The school has an air of harmony and kindness in all areas.
Pupils are courteous and behave well. They follow instructions with thought and care. Pupils look forward to their learning.
Pupils' positive attitudes to their work are reflected in their high rates of attendance. Most parents and carers are highly positive about the regular communication and supportive partnership work with the school.
The school has meticulous procedures to check and make sure that pupils with SEND receive the tailored support they need.
This enables these pupils to produce high-quality work. Overall, the school ensures that the work provided is designed to help pupils make links in their learning. For instance, staff skilfully help children develop their language and vocabulary in the different areas.
However, occasionally teachers do not check and address pupils' misconceptions quickly enough. This means that some pupils do not learn as well as they could.
Through a wealth of well-considered experiences and opportunities, pupils broaden their horizons.
Regular visits from a range of professionals and community leaders give pupils opportunities to learn about and reflect on important aspects of life in modern Britain. Pupils respect others' religious beliefs and traditions. They take a keen interest in current affairs.
Pupils hold thoughtful debates on a diverse range of topics, such as the ethics of war, disability rights, individual liberty and climate change. Pupils learn how to look after their health and mental well-being. They know well what makes a healthy relationship.
From Reception, children learn about how to work with others collaboratively, reinforcing the community feel of the school.
Staff appreciate the school's consideration for their workload when any new curriculum initiatives are introduced. Governors have an accurate understanding of the school's strengths and areas for development.
They hold leaders to account effectively for the quality of education.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Sometimes, staff do not check to make sure that all pupils, including those on the early years, have secure understanding of the important knowledge they need to know well.
They do not address any misconceptions quickly enough. As a result, some pupils do not achieve as well as could. The school should ensure that all staff know how to use assessment efficiently to adapt their teaching, or the support they provide, to help all pupils progress effectively through the curriculum.