Barrow URC Primary School

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About Barrow URC Primary School

Name Barrow URC Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Nicola McArdle
Address Old Row, Barrow, Clitheroe, BB7 9AZ
Phone Number 01254822338
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character United Reformed Church
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 181
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school is determined for pupils to be the best that they can be. Pupils embrace this ambition in how they behave in and around the school. Their behaviour is exemplary and underpinned by their strong moral values.

Pupils are respectful and courteous towards one another, which helps them to feel happy at school.

Pupils are provided with a positive start to their education. This stems from the high levels of ambition the school has for its pupils.

Many pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve well across much of the curriculum.

Pupils have a voice at this school and they feel valued. They know that ...the school will act upon their suggestions and opinions to make the school the best that it can be.

For example, areas of the school playground have been modified following feedback from the pupils.

Pupils benefit from the broad range of clubs that are available to them. These include different sporting activities, as well as sewing, science and cookery clubs.

The school ensures that many pupils, including those who are disadvantaged, benefit from attending these clubs.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has carefully considered the important knowledge that pupils should learn across the curriculum. In most cases, teachers use this information well to design learning activities that deepen pupils' knowledge.

Teachers use their understanding of what pupils know and remember well to address gaps in pupils' learning. High-quality training enables many staff to deliver the curriculum effectively across a number of subjects. This ensures that pupils achieve well.

In one or two subjects, some teachers do not have the knowledge that they need to be able to deliver curriculum content effectively. In some cases, the learning activities that pupils complete do not deepen their knowledge or help them connect their learning with what they already know and can do. As a result, in these subjects, some pupils do not learn as well as they could.

The school has effective systems in place to identify the additional needs of pupils with SEND. Carefully considered support and resources ensure that pupils with SEND progress through the same curriculum as their peers.

In most subjects, staff maintain a sharp focus on introducing and exploring the meaning of new words with pupils.

However, this focus is not the case in some other areas of the curriculum. In one or two subjects, the important subject-specific vocabulary that is set out in the curriculum is not taught consistently well. As a result, some pupils do not have a sufficient grasp of the key vocabulary needed to understand and explain their learning and ideas.

This hinders the progress that some pupils make through the curriculum in these subjects.

The school ensures that pupils are confident and fluent readers. This begins in the Reception Year, and continues into key stage 1, because staff deliver the phonics programme with confidence and precision.

Highly effective support is quickly put in place for any pupils who need it. Pupils read books which are very well matched to the sounds that they have learned.

Pupils in key stage 2 regularly read a range of high-quality texts which include novels, non-fiction and poetry.

The books that pupils read are written by a variety of authors from different countries. Through these books, pupils learn about a range of important topical issues. This helps them to develop their sense of empathy and understanding.

Children in the early years are very well behaved. This positive behaviour is supported by the school rules which staff consistently help children to understand. Pupils learn with little disruption to their activities.

They know that people should be treated with respect, regardless of any differences. They model this through their caring and friendly behaviour. Older pupils are excellent role models for their younger peers.

Pupils attend school regularly. The school's systems and procedures around attendance are highly effective. Any attendance concerns are swiftly picked up and addressed at an early stage.

Pupils experience many opportunities to enhance their personal development. This starts in the Reception Year, where children are encouraged to eat healthy snacks such as fruit and vegetables. Pupils take part in a range of experiences that develop their understanding of what it means to positively contribute to their community.

For example, they work in partnership with a local food bank. They also work collaboratively with different community groups on local initiatives, such as being part of a community think tank.

Governors work in close collaboration with the school and provide effective challenge around the quality of education.

The school is highly considerate of staff's well-being. Staff value the way in which the school works with them to minimise unnecessary workload and the investment made in developing their expertise.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In one or two subjects, some teachers do not have the subject knowledge that they need to teach the intended curriculum effectively. Some of the learning activities that they design do not enable pupils to learn the curriculum as well as they could. The school should make sure that teachers have the knowledge that they need to effectively deliver the curriculum so that pupils achieve well.

• In one or two subjects, some teachers do not teach the key vocabulary set out in the curriculum consistently. As a result, in these subjects, pupils do not learn the important subject-specific vocabulary. The school should ensure that the vocabulary set out in the curriculum is taught as intended so that pupils can understand and articulate their learning.

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