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Pupils love learning at Barton Farm Primary. They are enthusiastic and excited to share what they know and can do.
Staff encourage pupils to be curious about the world around them. There are no limits placed on their learning. They are supported to be resilient, proud, kind and creative.
Pupils learn and play well together. Relationships with adults are nurturing, warm and friendly. Pupils feel proud when adults notice them trying hard or behaving well.
They enjoy getting a 'high five' for their efforts and getting a 'Best Seat in the House' award in assembly. Pupils are happy and feel safe. They say bullying does not happen, but they know if it does adults w...ill help them.
Pupils' understanding of equality is strong. They value that people are different and therefore recognise everyone as a unique individual.
Leaders think carefully about the experiences they want pupils to have.
Every learning and enrichment opportunity links explicitly to a school value. Pupils are encouraged to be active. They learn inside and outside in a variety of ways through the 'explore and learn' time.
Parents value the school's approach to learning and the enthusiasm this cultivates. They recognise their children are flourishing and learning exceptionally well.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The curriculum is ambitious.
Leaders have really considered the important knowledge that pupils need to remember and have built the curriculum around this. It has been planned to support the ethos and values of the school and the wider community it serves. As part of this, leaders have ensured that robust systems are in place to identify the needs of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Pupils have individual plans that are focused on the support they need to achieve.
Staff choose resources and activities that excite and engage pupils. Pupils are eager to talk about their learning.
They can confidently describe how their knowledge links together. This includes recounting experiences such as visits to museums and from finding out about inspirational people. Pupils are proud of their learning and rightly feel successful.
Pupils achieve very well. Their work is exceptional, whether it is a piece of writing, a creation or a performance. There are many different opportunities for pupils to demonstrate their depth of knowledge.
In history, pupils' writing demonstrates a deep understanding of significant people. In geography, pupils can confidently recall and share what they know about continents and oceans. Pupils' handwriting also develops well because leaders have carefully considered how they teach handwriting and spelling.
Pupils know what to do to improve their work. They learn how to give clear feedback to each other as 'mini coaches'. This high-quality peer feedback helps pupils to succeed.
Reading is prioritised. The library is at the heart of the school. Teachers and pupils talk about 'bumping into books' throughout the school.
Everyone understands the importance of reading. The 'Barton Book Club' is well attended by parents every week. The teaching of early reading is precise.
Adults accurately track how well pupils are learning to read. If pupils fall behind, staff help them to catch up quickly.
Teachers have strong subject knowledge.
They value the wide range of training and professional development opportunities across the multi-academy trust and beyond. In mathematics, teachers skilfully support pupils to deepen their understanding. Pupils have access to a range of resources, which they use with confidence to solve mathematical problems.
Pupils have very positive attitudes. They value the importance of the school's rules and routines. In early years, pupils learn how to play independently and cooperate well with each other.
They show high levels of engagement and perseverance. They are always productive. At lunchtime, pupils enjoy being active.'
Play Pals' support everyone to join in with a range of activities such as team games and using building blocks.
Leaders have carefully considered the wider opportunities they want pupils to experience. This element of the school's work is special.
Pupils talk confidently about their community involvement. This includes singing in a local care home and planning and hosting a 'Community Café' event. Pupils understand their role as global citizens.
Members of the eco-committee know their voice is important in making change. They are proud that their letters to the local councillor resulted in more local litter bins.
Trustees and leaders have a clear vision.
The headteacher looks outward for ideas to get the very best for the school. Leaders are mindful of staff workload and have taken actions to reduce this. Staff are grateful for the training opportunities on offer through the multi-academy trust.
They feel happy and valued.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Safeguarding is high on everyone's agenda.
There is a strong culture of information-sharing based on the principle 'it could happen here'. The headteacher ensures that staff have regular training. Staff are confident about identifying and reporting concerns.
The school works closely with pupils and their families to understand their needs. Leaders are determined to follow up any concerns with other agencies and check that families feel supported. Safeguarding is a priority for governors.
They check the school's safeguarding procedures regularly.Pupils talk confidently about how to keep themselves safe in different situations. They know how to keep themselves safe when online.