Barton St Lawrence Church of England Primary School

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About Barton St Lawrence Church of England Primary School

Name Barton St Lawrence Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Richard Crook
Address Jepps Avenue, Barton, Preston, PR3 5AS
Phone Number 01772862664
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 192
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Individuality, integrity and resilience are school values that pupils embody at this exceptional school. Pupils are provided with the best possible start to education.

This stems from the high levels of ambition the school has for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils excel in the rich range of academic, moral and social learning opportunities that the school provides for them.

Pupils strive to meet the high expectations of behaviour that the school has.

This begins from the moment children join the Reception Year. Pupils learn the importance of respect and generosity towards one another. Older pupils un...derstand that they can bring happiness to others through something as simple as passing on a compliment.

Pupils are happy and enjoy coming to school. They highlight their strong friendships and positive relationships with staff as some of the reasons why. Pupils who need extra help to manage their emotions are ably supported by nurturing staff.

Pupils thrive in the wide range of leadership opportunities that are available. These range from being charity leaders through to reading buddies. Whatever role a pupil takes on, working hard to benefit others sits at the heart of what they do.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has a highly ambitious curriculum that enables all pupils, including those with SEND, to be extremely successful. From the moment that children join the Reception Year, they benefit from an aspirational and carefully considered curriculum. The early years staff are very skilled in teaching the curriculum.

They meet the individual needs of children well. When children leave the Reception Year, they are exceptionally well prepared for Year 1.

Pupils readily build on what they have learned as they progress through key stage 1 and key stage 2.

At all levels of leadership within the school, many members of staff are experts in their field. This expertise is used to enhance the curriculum for pupils and to ensure that teachers receive high-quality training. Teachers deliver the curriculum with considerable ability.

They are also successful in how they adapt access to the curriculum for pupils with SEND. This is supported by the effective systems the school has in place to identify the additional needs of pupils with SEND.

Teachers design learning activities which skilfully build on what pupils already know.

Teachers pay close attention to identifying and remedying any gaps in knowledge pupils may have. As a result, pupils develop a deep and rich body of knowledge across the curriculum. By the end of Year 6, pupils, including those with SEND, have an exceptional level of knowledge which prepares them well for the demands of key stage 3.

The school excels in ensuring that pupils are confident and fluent readers. This begins in the Reception Year and key stage 1. Staff deliver the phonics programme with confidence and precision.

Highly effective support is quickly put in place for any pupils who need it. This helps them to keep up with their classmates. Young pupils make an excellent start to reading.

They read books which are very well matched to the sounds that they have learned. A high proportion of pupils are able readers by the end of key stage 1.

Older pupils are avid readers.

The school ensures that pupils access a broad range of high-quality texts from different cultures. Pupils value the satisfaction that they get from being immersed in a book. They understand that reading will help them to be successful now and in the future.

Pupils have a strong moral perspective that people should be treated with respect, regardless of their differences. They model this through their courteous and friendly behaviour towards one another and towards staff. Older pupils are excellent role models for their younger peers.

Pupils experience a vast range of opportunities to develop their talents and interest through many different clubs. Pupils are provided with varied opportunities to represent the school in competitions and collective celebrations such as dance, football and singing. The school ensures that pupils learn about the signs of healthy relationships.

Pupils are knowledgeable about different faiths and cultures. The range of personal development opportunities experienced by pupils prepares them exceptionally well for life in modern Britain.

Governors work in close collaboration with the school to realise the drive for continuous improvement.

The school is highly considerate of staff's workload and well-being when making these improvements. Both governors and staff are focused on giving pupils the best possible start to education. Staff are incredibly proud to work at the school.

They appreciate the support that they receive, which helps them to deliver the curriculum exceptionally well. Many parents value what the school achieves for their children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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