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The Campus, Highlands Lane, Weston-super-Mare, BS24 7DX
Phone Number
Community special school
Age Range
Religious Character
Does not apply
Number of Pupils
Local Authority
North Somerset
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this school?
The education that pupils receive at Baytree School is exceptional. The school's ambitious sensory and subject-specific curriculums, education, health and care plan (EHC plan) targets and dedicated staff team ensure no limit to pupils' achievements.
The 'golden threads' of communication and independence help pupils secure their voice and important life skills. Nothing is left to chance. Every moment in school provides pupils with meaningful opportunities to learn and triumph.
Pupils thrive and 'make the most of every day'.
Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. Staff and pupils treat each other with kindness and respect.
Pupils thoroughly enjoy school and a...ttend regularly. Some pupils cannot attend school due to complex medical needs. However, the skilled and compassionate outreach team works with these pupils in the hospital or at home.
This enables pupils to continue their education and remain part of the 'Baytree Family'. Parents and carers describe the relationship with the school as a partnership. Pupils leave the school equipped with the knowledge and skills to keep themselves safe.
The school's holistic approach to pupils' development leads to superb outcomes. Opportunities for pupils to complete work experience and community-based activities are frequent and purposeful. Pupils learn to make informed choices and build friendships.
Pupils are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage of their education and life outside school.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school is relentless in its drive for pupils to flourish beyond Baytree School. Since the previous inspection, the school has refined pupils' EHC plan short-term targets.
Staff training, a shared understanding of leaders' expectations and regular staff team meetings ensure that pupils' targets are now precise. Education, intervention and therapy staff teams use their in-depth knowledge of pupils to consider what they can do to adapt each pupil's bespoke curriculum and provision. When necessary, external professionals are consulted.
This effective practice means pupils consistently achieve ambitious targets.
Detailed observations and close working relationships with parents ensure that staff learn how each child communicates. This work begins before pupils join the school in 'stay and play' sessions.
Right from the start, children in the early years are encouraged to listen and respond to their environment and other people. For example, they learn to associate songs, symbols and words with school routines. This helps children to feel safe and make sense of the school day.
By the time students leave the sixth form, they can identify and respond appropriately to real-life sounds, such as fire alarms.
Pupils learn to express themselves with a variety of ways. They may communicate, for example, through facial expressions, electronic communication aids or spoken words.
The school's pre-phonics and early reading curriculum is well developed. Through this carefully sequenced curriculum and insightful staff adaptations, pupils build a firm foundation for reading.
A sharp focus on developing pupils' independence is evident in all subject areas.
Pupils are extremely successful because of the personalised learning experiences. For example, pupils build their tolerance of different textures in art and design lessons. Some pupils may move on to holding and controlling objects such as paintbrushes.
These pupils are then helped to transfer these skills to use cutlery and kitchen equipment. In the school's flat, pupils learn skills to live independently such as making beds, cooking and cleaning for themselves. The immersion room helps pupils learn how to respond to different situations, for example the sound of a baby crying on a bus or having a drink in a café.
Pupils are very well prepared for life in the wider community.
The personal, social and health education (PSHE) curriculum and personal development provision are remarkable. The school goes above and beyond to ensure pupils secure a deep knowledge of the wider world through rich developmental experiences.
Pupils are shown how to use their leisure time constructively. They are encouraged to complete ambitious goals such as the Duke of Edinburgh's Bronze Award. Pupils learn how to be a good friend and about appropriate touch and consent.
They know about the diversity of life in modern Britain. The school enables pupils to overcome any personal and social barriers that they might have.
An effective careers programme starts in the early years.
Visitors from an extensive network of local businesses come to speak with pupils. From Year 8, pupils complete work experience placements. Sixth-form students study for qualifications from a broad and balanced vocational curriculum.
They frequently visit their chosen post-19 destination. Transition to their new college or residential provision is highly successful. Over time, pupils of Baytree School attain remarkable outcomes.
A second campus opened in February 2024. The school's exceptional standard of education and provision is replicated across both sites. Routines and expectations for behaviour and learning are embedded.
Pupils know and understand how to behave. If their behaviour changes, staff understand this to be pupils communicating something important to them. Staff work with parents and the pupil to respond and adapt their practice to meet the pupil's needs.
This creates a calm and purposeful environment on both campuses.
Leaders, including governors, have a detailed knowledge of the impact of the school's work. Governors hold the school to the highest standards and expectations for every pupil's progress.
Leaders offer support and challenge to staff to ensure pupils and their families remain at the centre of every carefully planned decision. Staff are extremely proud to work at Baytree School.