Beacon Hill Academy

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About Beacon Hill Academy

Name Beacon Hill Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Interim Headteacher Mr Sukhjot Dhami
Address High Arcal Drive, Sedgley, Dudley, DY3 1BP
Phone Number 01902677754
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1024
Local Authority Dudley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Beacon Hill Academy is a school where everyone goes the extra mile for their pupils. As one parent, typical of many others, stated, 'I find the teachers to be dedicated and committed to the pupils succeeding.' Pupils are happy and speak warmly about the many improvements that the school has put in place for them.

The school has worked purposefully to raise expectations for what pupils can achieve, and this is reflected in improving published outcomes. There have also been improvements in the range of trips, clubs and activities available. These include visits to the USA, Germany and Africa as well as clubs such as cooking, creative writing, sport and singing.

Pupils a...ppreciate these opportunities and make good use of them.

Pupils are clear that behaviour is good thanks to the school's well understood expectations. They state that they have confidence in approaching adults if they have concerns.

Relationships between pupils and staff reflect a positive and respectful culture. Pupils appreciate that their voice is heard in the improvements that have taken place, for example in wider range of extra-curricular opportunities now available.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has designed an increasingly ambitious curriculum which is taught with high levels of consistency.

In lessons, teachers have a significant focus on defining and applying the key knowledge that pupils need. Thanks to extensive checking for understanding, assessment is used very effectively to identify and close any gaps in pupils' learning. All this means that pupils learn the curriculum well, including more vulnerable groups.

Leaders are committed to increase the proportion of pupils who take modern languages or separate sciences as options. This will ensure the EBacc qualifications sit at the heart of their curriculum.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have their needs accurately identified and appropriate adaptations are put in place to support them, whether in the classroom or the resource base.

As a result, these pupils achieve well and are effectively supported by a dedicated and highly knowledgeable team.

Reading is embedded into the culture of the school, given the proportion of pupils who start with low reading ages. The school provides prompt and effective support for these pupils to enable them to become fluent readers.

Leaders work well to support pupils in their reading as they progress through the school.

Thanks to the school's clear expectations, pupils behave well at Beacon Hill Academy. In class, they are attentive and supportive of each other.

Around the site, pupils interact positively and are polite and courteous to visitors. If pupils struggle to meet the school's expectations, leaders use a range of strategies to support them to improve their choices. The school analyses behaviour patterns across the school closely, enabling leaders to act promptly to support individuals.

Due to these approaches, levels of suspensions are falling across the school.

The school has worked extensively on attendance. With the support of the trust, this is a well-resourced priority with a significant strategic approach.

The school's approach has improved attendance rates, as well as significant successes for some pupils who had periods of extended absence. That said, leaders recognise that there remain pupils whose attendance is still too low, despite the school's extensive engagement with their parents and external agencies.

The school has ensured that there is a well mapped out and ambitious curriculum for the pupils' personal development.

There are many extra-curricular opportunities, and the school is working to ensure that the pupils who would benefit most attend them. Pupils receive regular information about careers and future destinations throughout their time at the school. In this way pupils are well informed about opportunities for future study and employment.

Leaders are increasingly incisive in their analysis of the school's many strengths which they have secured thanks to systematic improvements across the school's provision. This enables them to review the provision and to act quickly to ensure high standards of consistency across all aspects of the school. The trust supports leaders well with resources and external review.

Governors are highly committed and knowledgeable about the school and its position within the community. They effectively and supportively hold leaders to account. Staff are highly positive about the opportunities for professional development at Beacon Hill.

They report that leaders have significant engagement with them and are mindful of workload. Parents appreciate the significant efforts which the school has placed on communication as well as the improvements across all aspects of the school's provision.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Although leaders have an effective strategic and coherent approach to the management of attendance, current overall school attendance is below national levels, including absence rates for more vulnerable pupils. This means there remain pupils who miss too much school and learning. The school needs to continue to work closely with parents and external agencies to instil the importance of regular attendance for all pupils.

• Until recently, pupils have not been able to take separate sciences at GCSE and the number of pupils opting to study a language at key stage 4 remains relatively low. This means that the proportion of pupils completing the suite of subjects which makes up the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) remains below the government's national ambition. Leaders should continue with their current plans to introduce separate sciences at GCSE and increase numbers studying languages, so that the EBacc sits at the heart of the curriculum for key stage 4.

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