Bearwood Primary and Nursery School

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About Bearwood Primary and Nursery School

Name Bearwood Primary and Nursery School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Cheryl Smith
Address Barons Road, Bearwood, Bournemouth, BH11 9UN
Phone Number 01202590703
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 213
Local Authority Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Most pupils enjoy coming to Bearwood. They are safe, well looked after and have positive attitudes to learning.

Staff expect pupils to behave well and follow the school rules. Pupils like playing together with the many activities available. They say that bullying is rare and know that an adult in school will quickly sort out any squabbles they may have.

Pupils learn the difference between right and wrong. They understand the need to respect the views of others even if they are not their own. They recognise that some of their friends face challenges and show them kindness.

The school provides lots of clubs and activities which enthuse pupils. Street dance, mar...tial arts and cheerleading are clubs which pupils love to attend. Year 6 pupils spoke with joy about their recent trip to Osmington Bay.

These activities help build pupils' confidence, determination and ability to work together.

Most pupils say they enjoy their learning. Teachers have developed a curriculum that inspires pupils and makes them think.

Pupils usually work hard. However, pupils say that sometimes their work is not hard enough. When this happens, pupils do not do as well as they should.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Children quickly settle in the early years and enjoy their learning. Teachers have thought carefully about what children learn and plan activities which interest the children. There is a strong focus on talking and listening to develop early language skills.

Books are everywhere. Teachers read lots of stories and rhymes to develop children's love of books. Phonics teaching is well planned.

Reading books carefully match the sounds that children know. Children in the early years are well prepared for Year 1.

Leaders have the expectation that every child will become a confident reader.

Many pupils learn to read with accuracy in Years 1 and 2, following a good start in early years. Reading leaders quickly identify pupils who need extra help to make sure that they get the support needed.

The school covers the national curriculum.

Most pupils achieve well in reading, writing and mathematics. Where they do not, teachers help them to quickly catch up. Most staff have strong subject knowledge.

Effective teaching is preparing pupils well for the next step in their education. However, the curriculum for the most able is not yet challenging enough.

The organisation of the curriculum allows pupils to build on what they have learnt before.

Pupils are able to make links across the subjects. For example, pupils talk with confidence about history and how this links to the learning in religious education and geography. Pupils enjoy lots of the subjects they learn about such as art, science and history.

They told us that they would like even more music and French lessons. There are many opportunities for pupils beyond the academic learning. These develop pupils' confidence and prepare them well for the future.

The children's university is a favourite. Pupils attend Bournemouth University to find out about all types of jobs that are available. The mathematics curriculum is securely in place.

Pupils enjoy their learning. Most teachers deal with misunderstandings as they happen. Pupils ability to use their knowledge to answer questions in mathematics is strong.

However, a few pupils lack confidence in mathematics and sometimes struggle to remember or apply the knowledge they have.

Leaders have a strong overview of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Teachers are quick to identify when pupils struggle.

They act quickly to plan small steps in learning that help pupils with SEND achieve well.

Pupils have positive attitudes to the learning which helps them in their work. They want to do well.

Pupils behave well in their lessons most of the time. They work hard and ask questions to increase what they know and understand.

Most parents rate the school highly and would recommend it to other parents.

However, a few parents say they would welcome better communication with leaders, especially when they raise a concern.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Leaders make sure that they complete all the required checks on staff taken on to work in the school.

Safeguarding training is effective. Staff are able to spot concerns and take action quickly.

The work of the staff to help pupils with their emotional well-being is a strength.

Staff know how to make a referral should they have concerns about a pupils' welfare. Leaders work effectively with other agencies. Pupils are safe and have a secure understanding of how to keep safe.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

Leaders are ambitious for pupils to do well and have high expectations. This enables most pupils to learn well. However, the most able pupils do not achieve as well as they should at the end of key stage 2 in reading and mathematics.

The curriculum needs to be more challenging for these pupils to help them to do their best. . The school carefully follows the national curriculum.

However, leaders need to ensure that all pupils are consistently provided with well-chosen activities which build on the skills and knowledge they already have. For example, they need to ensure that subject plans have greater precision in the learning steps needed to develop pupils' knowledge in music and French. This includes improving teachers' subject knowledge.

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