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The headteacher's effective leadership and dedication to improvement are shared by the staff and governors. All are committed to gaining the best provision and outcomes for pupils. Parents and carers recognise these strengths and they are overwhelmingly supportive.
The school has a warm, welcoming and stimulating environment where pupils feel cared for, safe, and are ready to learn. Their behaviour is good and attitudes positive. Even so, levels of attendance are average.
Improvements have been made in key areas of the school. In particular, due to the resolve and determination of the headteacher, governors and staff, there has been a concerted approach to schoo...l improvement. This has resulted in improvements in teaching and learning and improved procedures for checking provision and pupils' progress.
The strengthening of provision and pupils' progress since the previous inspection demonstrates a strong capacity for further improvement. Achievement overall, and especially in writing, has improved since the previous inspection and is now good. Pupils make good progress in all four classes.
Year 6 pupils are on course to attain high standards in English and mathematics. However, there are inconsistencies in pupils' presentation of work, particularly in mathematics. Disabled pupils and those with special educational needs make good progress.
Teaching is good. Teachers invariably provide interesting and exciting activities that capture the pupils' interest because lessons are planned well to meet the varying learning needs of the pupils. Marking is generally good, though staff do not always make next steps in learning clear.
Information about the school
Beaulieu is smaller than the average-sized primary school. About a quarter of the pupils live in the immediate area, with the remainder from nearby villages or towns. The very large majority of pupils are of White British heritage and the remainder are from a range of minority ethnic backgrounds.
Very few pupils speak English as an additional language. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is about half the national average. The number of pupils identified as disabled or with special educational needs is average.
Children in the Reception Year of the Early Years Foundation Stage share a class with some Year 1 pupils. The school meets the current floor standards. The school has Healthy School status and has also gained the 'Sing Up' Gold award.