Beaumont Community Primary School

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About Beaumont Community Primary School

Name Beaumont Community Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Mayleen Atima
Address Durrant Road, Hadleigh, IP7 6GD
Phone Number 01473825120
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 120
Local Authority Suffolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Everyone is valued at Beaumont Community Primary School. Pupils attend happily, safely and with pride.

Many pupils join at different points of the school year. Whenever they join, each new pupil is supported quickly. New pupils are readily welcomed into this highly inclusive school.

Children in early years thrive. They fully understand the routines of school and take every opportunity to learn from a well-considered curriculum that supports them to do their best. As a result, children in early years make excellent progress throughout the curriculum.

This prepares them very well for Year 1.

Pupils' social and emotional well-being are priorities. Pupil...s who need support receive this from well-trained staff.

Pupils cope well with change and know how to manage their feelings. Overall, this contributes towards everyone caring for and looking out for each other.

Most pupils meet the school's behaviour expectations.

They value learning and appreciate the improvements in behaviour. These allow them to learn with little disruption.

Pupils benefit from enrichment beyond the curriculum.

Trips are thoughtfully planned to enhance their school experience. Pupils speak positively about the new experiences they enjoy. These develop their independence and broaden their horizons beyond the local community.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Many pupils join this school at different points during the year. A number of these pupils are either new to the country or have not previously attended school regularly. On arrival, the school checks pupils' learning quickly.

When required, pupils receive extra support. While pupils make good progress, as pupils often join the school in the latter years of primary school, some do not reach the expected standard by the time they move on to secondary school.

The early reading curriculum is taught well.

Pupils respond well to the structured lessons and daily reading practice. The books pupils read are carefully matched to their ability. Adults check pupils' progress regularly.

Pupils who need support are given extra help. This means pupils learn to read fluently.

The school has developed its curriculum across all subjects.

Trained leaders have worked hard to develop curriculum plans in their subject areas. They check how well the curriculum is working. In many classes, it is working well.

Where this is the case, pupils learn the key knowledge they need to achieve well.

On some occasions, teachers do not deliver lessons with enough clarity. This means pupils are less successful in learning and retaining the key knowledge they need to learn more.

As a result, pupils develop gaps in their knowledge. Leaders are aware of this and are working hard to develop consistently effective teaching of the intended curriculum content across the school.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive good support.

Plans identify the support pupils with SEND need to access the full curriculum. These plans inform teaching. Lessons are adapted so that pupils with SEND are very much part of the class.

Consequently, pupils with SEND learn successfully alongside their peers.

Children make a flying start in early years. Staff learn about the children before they arrive.

This enables them to plan a curriculum which precisely meets children's needs and interests. Whenever children start, they are taught the clear expectations immediately. Their learning behaviours are exceptional.

As a result, children achieve well, and this stands them in good stead for the next stages of their education.

The school has adopted a new behaviour approach. It encourages pupils to think about their behaviour and learn from their mistakes.

Staff and pupils agree that behaviour is much improved due to an agreed whole-school approach. For the most part, learning proceeds without disruption. However, on occasion, staff do not manage behaviour as the school intends.

When this is the case, learning in class can slow down.

The school places a strong emphasis on pupils' personal development. Pupils learn about differences and the importance of being respectful.

The curriculum provides pupils with the knowledge and understanding they need to keep themselves safe, including when online. They develop leadership skills, taking on responsibilities such as being a school councillor.

Governors understand the school well.

They are well informed and actively involved in school life. They offer a good balance of challenge and support to school leaders.

Staff feel valued by leaders.

They know leaders will listen if they need support. They appreciate the school's investment in their own professional learning.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few areas, there is inconsistency in the way the curriculum is taught. This means some pupils' learning is not as successful as it should be. The school should further develop its teaching expectations of the curriculum content across the curriculum.

This will mean all pupils learn to build on what they learn and, consequently, achieve consistently well across the curriculum. The strategies to manage behaviour are newly implemented. On occasion, some staff do not follow the school's behaviour policy with enough consistency.

This means, in some classes, learning is slowed down by the odd occurrence of low-level disruption. The school should continue to develop its behaviour systems to ensure a clear and consistent approach across all classes. This will mean learning can proceed without disruption across the whole school.

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