Beckfoot Allerton Primary School and Nursery

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About Beckfoot Allerton Primary School and Nursery

Name Beckfoot Allerton Primary School and Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Michelle Blanchard
Address Garforth Street, Allerton, Bradford, BD15 7HB
Phone Number 01274541587
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 421
Local Authority Bradford
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive because of the high-quality education that they receive. The school's high ambition for all pupils, particularly those who are disadvantaged, is at the heart of everything it does. The school gives pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and those who are disadvantaged the highest priority.

Pupils meet and exceed the high expectations that the school has for them. They do this in their learning and in their behaviour. Behaviour throughout the school is exemplary.

Pupils live and breathe the school's intention that: 'We do the right thing because it is the right thing to do.' They are highly motivated and appreciative of all the o...pportunities and experiences the school offers them. Pupils feel safe and happy in school because they know that adults care for them.

Pupils benefit from a range of roles of responsibility. Through these, they make a significant contribution to their school and community. For example, pupils requested changes to the school's drop-off and collection arrangements.

These have led to improvements in road safety and reductions in congestion around the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has developed a curriculum that is ambitious and well sequenced. Learning has been carefully planned to start in early years and to prepare pupils well for their next steps.

The school has identified the important knowledge that pupils should learn. The high-quality curriculum in early years ensures that children are ready for key stage 1.

In English and mathematics, pupils learn well over time.

In these subjects, teachers use effective strategies to ensure pupils regularly review and revisit their previous learning. This helps them to remember what they have learned and build knowledge well over time. In some other subjects, these strategies are less well established.

When this is the case, some pupils do not build aspects of their knowledge as deeply.

Teachers receive high-quality training and support. They have a deep knowledge of the subjects they teach.

They present information clearly. There is a strong focus on developing pupils' spoken and written language. Teachers highlight and discuss ambitious vocabulary.

Children in the early years benefit from purposeful interactions with adults that develop their vocabulary and communication. Teachers skilfully ask questions that help pupils to deepen their understanding. They also use questions to check what pupils know and can remember.

However, when some pupils make mistakes in their work, these are not consistently addressed.

Pupils with SEND access the same ambitious curriculum as their peers. They are supported well by expert staff.

They progress proficiently against the milestones that have been identified for them. Teachers make carefully considered adaptations to support these pupils.

The school's ambitious and rigorous approach to the teaching of reading ensures that pupils become successful, fluent readers.

Staff quickly identify pupils who struggle or slip behind. They receive expert, focused support to keep up. Older pupils become enthusiastic readers through exposure to, and discussion about, exciting books and texts.

Children in the early years play and learn in a vibrant and engaging environment. They show high levels of independence. Their impeccable behaviour reflects the high expectations of staff and well-established routines.

They develop early mathematical knowledge through regular opportunities to practise counting, sorting and building structures with shapes. All staff contribute to the growing knowledge of every child. Children with SEND are supported very well.

Staff develop strong, productive relationships with parents.

Pupils behave exceptionally well throughout the school. They learn how to manage their feelings and emotions.

Pupils exhibit excellent manners, taking an interest in visitors, with whom they converse with confidence. The school has recognised that some pupils' attendance is below its high expectations. The school continues to work relentlessly to secure improved attendance in these cases.

The school's personal development offer ensures that pupils are very well prepared for their future lives in British society. They are responsible and respectful. They celebrate similarities and differences between people.

They understand and respect cultures and religions different to their own. Members of the school council, sports ambassadors, librarians and house captains perform their roles with pride.

The trust and the school have overseen significant and rapid improvements to the school in recent years.

There is a relentless commitment to the very best for pupils and families, particularly those who are disadvantaged. Governors and trustees share these ambitions. They offer challenge and support to leaders and staff.

Staff are overwhelmingly positive about their experience of working at the school. They appreciate the consideration given to their workload and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, strategies to ensure that pupils recall and build on previous learning are less developed than in others. When this happens, pupils do not learn to the same depth that they do elsewhere in the curriculum. The school should develop strategies to successfully build learning over time in all subjects.

On occasion, pupils' misconceptions are not addressed. This means that errors in their work persist. The school should carry out further work to address misconceptions to further improve pupils' learning.

Also at this postcode
Kanga Kare Allerton

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