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They come to school eager to learn and are excited to see their friends and their teachers. Pupils are greeted warmly by staff as they arrive each day. They flourish in the welcoming and friendly environment across the school, including in the early years.
The school has high expectations for all pupils' achievement. Pupils try their best in lessons and listen carefully to their teachers. They talk confidently about their learning and understand why education is important for their future lives.
Most pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve well.
Pupils be...have well and are polite and well mannered. They speak articulately when sharing their own views.
They also listen sensibly to opinions that are different to their own and respond in a considered way. Older pupils regularly help younger children and are positive role models for them. They make sure that everyone is welcome.
Pupils appreciate the wide range of opportunities to participate in tournaments and festivals. They are proud to represent their school in a broad range of events, including boccia, table tennis, cross country, hockey, performing arts and singing. These experiences help pupils to develop their self-esteem and teamwork skills.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has designed a broad and well-ordered curriculum for pupils. It has identified the essential knowledge that pupils should learn and has ensured that this builds logically over time. Teachers check what pupils know and remember and use this information to shape future learning.
The additional needs of pupils with SEND are identified early. They get the help and support that they need to learn the same curriculum and enjoy the same experiences as their classmates.
In most subjects, teachers deliver the curriculum well.
However, in a small number of subjects, the delivery of the curriculum is not as effective. In these subjects, the support that the school has provided has not been sufficient enough to help staff to implement the curriculum as well as they should. Some pupils do not have the opportunity to develop and deepen their knowledge and skills over time.
The school has prioritised reading from the beginning of the early years. Pupils often read from a wide range of books and poems in and out of school. They have a number of opportunities to read together for enjoyment.
For example, some older pupils share books with younger children each day. All pupils have the chance to read on the school's inviting reading bus. The school has established a successful phonics programme.
Pupils learn letters and the sounds that they represent and use their phonics knowledge to read new and unfamiliar words. Pupils who fall behind in the phonics programme and need help to catch up are supported effectively to do so. This helps most pupils to become confident and fluent readers in readiness for key stage 2.
Most pupils rise to the school's high expectations for their behaviour. They conduct themselves well. Children in the early years follow established routines and become increasingly independent and confident.
Pupils have positive attitudes towards their learning and mostly attend well. Attendance is a high priority for the school. It challenges pupils' low levels of attendance but also provides effective support for pupils and their families to reduce rates of absence.
The school supports pupils' personal development well. Pupils are taught how to keep themselves physically safe and mentally and emotionally well. Pupils who show kindness, passion, honesty and respect are celebrated with rewards, including trophies and cups.
Pupils are encouraged to be responsible and proactive in school and the wider community. For example, some pupils are eco monitors and others are members of the school council. They engage confidently with people from the community, such as local councillors, and report back to pupils on a range of issues and events.
Pupils enthusiastically participate in community events at local care homes, such as coffee mornings and celebrations.
The school is well led and managed. Governors understand their roles and carry these out effectively.
They provide appropriate support and challenge to the school so that the quality of education continues to improve. The school has taken effective steps to reduce staff's workload that enables them to prioritise their teaching. It also successfully engages with parents and carers to provide a wealth of help and support where this is most needed.
Parents strongly value this support. They told inspectors that the school is at the heart of the local community.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some subjects, and areas of learning in the early years, the school has not ensured that staff deliver the curriculum consistently well and as intended. As a result, some activity choices do not help pupils to develop and deepen their knowledge over time. The school should support staff to implement the intended curriculum consistently well.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.