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Pupils thrive here. School staff form nurturing, professional relationships with pupils.
Many pupils said they can speak to adult in school if they are worried about anything. Leaders make sure that pupils are safe. Leaders, parents and carers work collaboratively to support pupils' welfare and well-being.
Pupils enjoy working together and helping each other. For example, pupils in Year 2 take pleasure in helping children in the Reception Year to use knives and forks at lunchtime. Many pupils in Year 2 said how much they love supporting the younger children with reading.
Pupils behave responsibly and considerately. If any incidents of bullying occur, leaders ...deal with these effectively.
Leaders have ambition for pupils.
Pupils' personal and social development is given high priority. Leaders make sure that pupils have opportunities to explore nature. Pupils have time in the day to take part in reflective 'mindful moments'.
They have opportunities to share ideas about learning and submit their suggestions for weekly 'challenge' activities, which leaders include in the curriculum. Many pupils said they feel proud when their suggested activity is selected.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders foster a love of reading.
Pupils have many opportunities to read and enjoy books. Children in the Nursery stay focused and engaged in stories for extended periods of time. This is because teaching staff make story time fun and engaging.
Phonics teaching starts in the early years. Leaders and teaching staff check children's starting points in phonics. Teaching and reading books are matched to the letter sounds pupils know.
Pupils who fall behind receive additional phonics and reading time. This is to address gaps and to help them catch up. Pupils become confident, fluent readers swiftly.
The school curriculum meets the ambition of the national curriculum and the early years foundation stage profile. Generally, leaders have strong expertise and knowledge. Typically, leaders identify the most important knowledge for pupils to know and remember from the early years onwards.
Leaders and teaching staff provide many opportunities for pupils to recall and apply this knowledge in different ways. For example, in Year 1 pupils are taught to use words such as 'mechanism', 'stronger' and 'stiffer' to pinpoint improvements to their designs of 'pop-up cards'. Pupils in Year 2 use the same vocabulary and more to describe ways to improve designs for castles.
Pupils develop strong knowledge of mathematics. This is because leaders make sure that teaching builds on what pupils learned before. Teachers check for any gaps in pupils' knowledge and make sure that these are addressed.
As a result, pupils connect new learning to previous knowledge confidently. For example, in the early years, children have many opportunities to count and understand number in different ways. As a result, pupils in Year 2 count in multiples of 10 and use this knowledge to help them solve number problems confidently.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive effective help and support. Teaching staff receive effective training. This includes training from a range of external experts and professionals.
Teachers identify pupils with SEND swiftly and make appropriate adaptations to teaching and resources. As a result, pupils with SEND learn the intended curriculum alongside their peers.
A few subjects are at an earlier stage of development than others.
Leaders have not identified and sequenced important knowledge in Years 1 and 2 as fully in these subjects as in others to help pupils to remember it. Where this is the case, pupils struggle to recall some important information.
Pupils are enthusiastic and motivated to learn.
Pupils and teachers agree collaboratively on the behaviour that is expected. Expectations are clear and pupils are highly engaged in learning, including in the early years.
Leaders provide rich opportunities for pupils' personal development throughout the curriculum.
For example, teachers encourage children in the early years to be independent and persevere when sandwich-making for a 'teddy bears picnic'. Pupils are taught important information about respecting others' viewpoints, religions and traditions. One pupil typically said: 'I like learning how we're all different but the same.'
All pupils access a wide range of clubs. These include art, yoga, sculpture and French knitting.
The governing body is knowledgeable.
Members provide appropriate support and challenge for leaders. Leaders and the governing body consult staff on issues that may impact workload and well-being. Many staff commented how much they enjoy working at the school.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders provide appropriate safeguarding training for staff. As a result, school staff know the signs that may indicate a pupil needs help or support.
If concerns arise, leaders follow these up swiftly and robustly. Leaders collaborate with a range of external safeguarding partners appropriately. This is to make sure that pupils and families get the help they need.
Pupils are taught age-appropriate information about healthy relationships. They are taught how to stay safe, including online. Pupils are taught when to speak up and seek help.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In a few subjects, the school has not identified and sequenced important knowledge in Year 1 and Year 2 fully. Where this is the case, pupils struggle to remember some important information. Leaders must ensure that important knowledge is identified and sequenced effectively in all subjects.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.