Beddington Park Academy

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About Beddington Park Academy

Name Beddington Park Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Mr Maz Mukhtar
Address Mallinson Road, Croydon, CR0 4UL
Phone Number 02086881390
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 342
Local Authority Sutton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are extremely proud of their school.

Leaders promote equality and respect for everyone. Pupils have a good understanding of each other's differences and celebrate them.

The school is ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Everyone understands the high expectations, including for behaviour. Pupils are highly motivated learners and there is no disruption to learning. They have all chosen trusted adults they can talk to about any worries or concerns.

They are happy and safe here.

Leaders actively seek pupils' opinions. For example, the 'Inclusion Minister' and 'Environment Min...ister' of the Pupil Parliament provide suggestions to improve the school.

The school expertly plans school visits linked to key themes across the academic year. For example, every year group gets to visit a different place of worship. This helps pupils to build on their understanding of different faiths.

Extra-curricular clubs vary from sports, to crafts, yoga and languages. There is a big uptake of these clubs.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Trust and school leaders provide an aspirational curriculum.

They make sure that high-quality training is a priority for all staff. As a consequence, staff are confident in teaching all subjects. Expectations of all pupils are consistently high and realised in lessons.

In early years, curricular thinking is carefully planned. Staff expose children to rich vocabulary and learning opportunities. These fully prepare them for their transition to Year 1.

Staff routinely check pupils' prior knowledge. They build on this learning, enabling pupils to access more complex content with confidence. In lessons, teachers pick up on pupils' misconceptions and close any gaps.

As a result, pupils deepen their subject-specific understanding over time. In design and technology (DT), for example, pupils used their knowledge and skills of sewing in Year 3 to prepare them for making high-visibility jackets in Year 5.

There are clear procedures and processes in place to ensure that staff identify pupils with SEND swiftly.

The school works closely with outside agencies to ensure that the appropriate training and adaptations are in place. This helps pupils with SEND to learn successfully.

Reading is well developed throughout the school.

Staff teach reading consistently well. They are well trained and know individual pupils' reading abilities. Children start to learn phonics as soon as they join Reception.

Staff match books that children read to their phonics knowledge. Adults reading with pupils use appropriate strategies to help them with their reading. Pupils read confidently and enjoy supporting one another.

Staff identify pupils who are falling behind with their reading. They provide pupils with precise support to help them catch up and keep up. Staff promote the love of reading every day.

They have carefully chosen a range of thought provoking, diverse texts to share with pupils to ignite their interest.

Staff help pupils to understand about healthy relationships in an age-appropriate way. They encourage pupils to keep physically and mentally healthy.

Any form of discrimination is not acceptable here. Staff teach pupils about the importance of consent and personal boundaries. Leaders make sure that pupils with SEND fully take part in the many enrichment opportunities at school.

Pupils behave exceptionally well in class. They are highly motivated in lessons and show positive attitudes to their education. When moving around the school, and in the playground, pupils show great self-discipline.

School leaders go beyond the expected to prepare pupils for life in modern Britain. Their work on developing pupils' character is exemplary. Leaders have rigorous systems in place to make sure pupils attend regularly.

Leaders have developed impressive, strong links with parents that they have built in a short period of time. Professional, meaningful interactions take place with staff at all levels. Every member of staff feels extremely supported by trust and school leaders.

They find workload manageable and love working at the school. Governors and trustees hold leaders to account while always remaining supportive.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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