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This is a good school Leaders have taken effective action to improve teaching, learning and outcomes at the school.
Although the new executive headteacher has only recently joined the school, she, the head of school and other senior leaders have the capacity to embed and build on current improvements. Governance has improved. Governors know the school well and now hold leaders more robustly to account.
Senior leaders are effective in driving improvement in their areas of responsibility. However, many middle leaders are still developing their skills. Teaching is effective and meets pupils' needs well.
Teachers are very aware of the needs of individuals... and work closely with leaders and teaching assistants to provide the relevant support for each pupil. Attainment of Year 6 pupils at the end of July 2018 was above the national average, but progress was below average. Leaders' work to improve outcomes has resulted in pupils catching up in reading and mathematics.
There continue to be weaknesses in writing of some groups, including the most able. Leaders carefully check the progress of each pupil. However, they are not quite so systematic in their checks on the progress of groups.
The early years has continued to provide a good standard of education. Children develop independence and confidence, with most making good progress in their first year at the school. Pupils behave well.
Recent changes in behaviour management have resulted in the previously high level of exclusions being reduced to none. Pupils' personal development and welfare are supported well. Pupils learn about inclusion, respect and tolerance.
The curriculum has been designed to meet the needs of the pupils in the school. Leaders correctly identify that there are inconsistencies in teaching in some subjects across the school. Pupils, parents and staff rightly believe that the school keeps pupils safe.
Parents are very positive about the changes and improvements that have been made.
Information about this school
Bedenham Primary is federated with Holbrook Primary. It is larger than the average-sized primary school.
The school has a specialist unit for pupils with social, emotional and mental health concerns. It caters for eight pupils with education, health and care plans. At the time of the inspection the unit was full.
The majority of pupils are White British. The proportions of pupils from minority ethnic backgrounds and those who speak English as an additional language are below the national average. The proportion of pupils with SEND is above average, as is the proportion of pupils supported by funding through the pupil premium.