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Children are at the very heart of everything at Beeston Primary School. Leaders make sure that all decisions are made in the best interests of the pupils.
They are ambitious and have designed a curriculum that prepares pupils well for the next stage of their education. Children in the early years get off to the best possible start to their education.
There are high expectations of behaviour and pupils meet these expectations.
They go out of their way to make visitors welcome. They are courteous, polite, cheerful and hold doors open for adults. In lessons, pupils are attentive and motivated.
Adults are vigilant in ensuring that they maintain this focu...s. Pupils report that there is no bullying and they are confident that adults would deal with any issues should they arise. Pupils describe school as a safe and happy place to come to.
Leaders have a deep understanding of the community that the school serves. Their knowledge of the community informs their plans, resulting in a rich curriculum that extends beyond the academic. There is a varied and extensive extra-curricular offer that has been shaped by the views of pupils and parents.
Pupils also have many opportunities to develop leadership roles and to become role models to others.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have prioritised reading. They promote a love of reading with books celebrated and conspicuous in every part of the school.
Children get off to the best possible start in learning to read in the early years. There are efficient systems for checking pupils progress in reading. This means that if pupils fall behind, teachers identify them and support them to keep up.
Leaders with expertise in reading provide excellent support to colleagues, this ensures that pupils get the best possible learning opportunities.
Subject leaders are passionate and knowledgeable. They have developed an ambitious curriculum that is well sequenced and allows pupils to learn the important knowledge that they need to be well prepared for the next phase of their education.
Leaders have developed and introduced an approach to teaching that is consistently applied across school. However, sometimes, teachers are more concerned with how to teach rather than what to teach. When this happens, the important knowledge that children need to learn can be overlooked.
Teachers use a range of strategies to check that pupils are remembering important facts and knowledge. This helps them to identify any gaps and plan next steps. The curriculum in the early years is rich and tailored to the children's individual needs.
As a result, children make excellent progress and are well prepared for key stage 1. The leader for special educational needs is highly effective in her role. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported very well.
There are high expectations for pupils with SEND and they make good progress in line with their peers. Teachers adapt the curriculum to best meet their needs.Leaders are committed to the development and support of staff.
Staff report how happy they are to work at the school. Staff training is a priority and is planned to meet their needs as well as aligning with school development priorities.
The learning environment is vibrant and engaging.
This is particularly true in the early years, where well-considered activities and experiences are provided for children to access both indoors and outdoors. The curriculum in early years provides no limits or barriers to the children's achievements, regardless of their backgrounds or abilities. Children thrive and enjoy positive relationships with adults.
There are clear routines. These help the children move between activities or around the school, often accompanied by familiar songs and rhymes.
Leaders recognise the importance of pupils' personal development.
The extensive personal development offer reflects the needs of the community. For example, the school works with local organisations, such as Natwest Bank and Leeds United Football Club. Pupils are supported to develop strength of character and be inspired to be the best they can be.
There is a strong commitment to improve the life chances of the most vulnerable pupils. Leaders' focus on nurture and high-quality pastoral support enables these pupils to flourish.
Governors understand their roles and provide appropriate challenge and support to school leaders.
They know the school as they make focused, linked visits to further understand leaders' decisions and actions. They have a wide range of appropriate skills. They are mindful of staff workload and ensure that leaders' well-being is carefully considered.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
There is a relentless commitment to ensuring that pupils are safe. A strong culture of safeguarding has been established.
All staff are well trained and kept up to date with safeguarding issues. The approach to reporting and recording concerns is rigorous and record keeping is meticulous. Robust systems are in place to ensure that appropriate checks are made when staff are recruited.
Leaders work well with other agencies where necessary. Pupils learn about how to keep themselves safe, including when using technology. The designated safeguarding lead is passionate, knowledgeable, and fully committed to her role.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• At times, the implementation of the curriculum is too focused on how to teach content rather than the content itself. As a result, pupils do not secure the vital knowledge they need to know. Leaders should ensure that pedagogy is closely matched to curriculum content.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.