Belleville Primary School

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About Belleville Primary School

Name Belleville Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher John Budden Mary Lyne Latour
Address Belleville Road, Battersea, London, SW11 6PR
Phone Number 02072286727
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 993
Local Authority Wandsworth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are safe and thrive at Belleville.

They are very well prepared for the next stages of their education. This is because staff consistently exemplify the school's motto of having a 'relentless drive for improvement, excellence and equality'.

Pupils show respect and kindness towards others.

This makes them feel safe. They behave maturely in their classrooms and around the school. Pupils understand different types of bullying and, although extremely rare, know what to do if they feel unsafe.

Leaders have planned a highly ambitious curriculum. Pupils develop detailed knowledge and understanding over time. They apply this in a range of interesting p...rojects, producing work of a very high standard.

Pupils speak with enthusiasm about the rich curriculum they learn. They also participate in a wide range of after-school activities, from chess, musical theatre, and ballet to Mandarin, lacrosse, and crochet. Many of these activities are provided by specialist teachers, coaches, and tutors.

This enables them to signpost pupils to opportunities beyond the school where they can further develop their talents.

Pupils eagerly take on additional responsibilities. For example, pupils represent their peers on the school or eco council.

Pupils understand that these are examples of democracy and that voting means everyone has a voice in decision-making.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum in all subjects matches and regularly exceeds what is expected nationally. Leaders have identified the concepts and vocabulary they expect pupils to learn and remember at each stage of their education.

This important knowledge is well sequenced so that pupils revisit it over time. Staff regularly check pupils' understanding. As a result, pupils remember what they have learned and apply it to more-complex ideas throughout the curriculum.

For example, in mathematics, children in the early years practise counting forward and back. This helps them to understand addition and subtraction. Older pupils apply this knowledge effectively when completing calculations involving fractions, decimals, and percentages.

Similarly, in science, younger pupils learn about the features of different animal groups. Older pupils use what they have learned about birds to design and make aerodynamic models. Pupils understand and explain how they work the way scientists do in using biomimicry to solve problems.

Leaders place value on developing pupils' speaking and listening. In the early years, children are expected to answer questions in full sentences using the right vocabulary. This builds throughout the school because the curriculum identifies opportunities for pupils to engage in dialogue and debate.

For example, pupils learning about the philosophers of the ancient world in history are confident to discuss the extent to which they agree with Aristotle's concept of perfection.

Reading is a high priority. Staff have been well trained to teach reading and do so with precision.

This ensures that pupils read with fluency and accuracy. Children in the early years practise the sounds they need regularly. This helps them read and learn new sounds with confidence.

Pupils who struggle to read are quickly identified and supported to catch up with their peers. Pupils enjoy listening to the stories they have read to them. They thrive on learning more-complex vocabulary and enjoy the range of non-fiction, fiction and poetry they have access to.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are swiftly identified. Staff have received extensive training to provide pupils with the help they need to access the same curriculum as their peers.

Pupils behave very well in lessons.

They engage positively with their learning and show maturity when working alone or with others. They are confident to ask for help and to help others who may need it. Pupils' excellent behaviour extends beyond the classroom when they move around the school and outside in the playground.

Leaders check attendance and punctuality carefully. Clear systems are in place to help families improve these areas.

Pupils' personal development is carefully considered.

The curriculum helps pupils understand how to stay physically and emotionally safe, and the diverse society in which they live. Pupils speak confidently about the importance of equality and challenging discriminatory language and behaviour.

The trust board and local governing body work well together.

Their shared expertise and experience allow them to support and challenge leaders effectively. They have a very astute understanding of the school's strengths and areas they want to improve further.

Staff are proud to work at Belleville.

They receive extensive professional development and are appreciative of this. They feel their workload is well managed by leaders who welcome their input on how the school operates. Teachers at the very beginning of their career feel especially well supported.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have been thoroughly trained to understand their role in keeping pupils safe. They refer any concerns they have promptly.

Leaders actively seek the advice and guidance they need from the local authority and other agencies. This ensures families receive the help they need.

The curriculum has been designed to help pupils to understand how to stay safe, including when online.

For example, pupils have worked with the Wandsworth Young Citizens Project to understand local risks. Pupils feel safe and know how to stay safe. Parents who responded to the online survey agree their children are well looked after in school.

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