Belleville Wix Academy

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About Belleville Wix Academy

Name Belleville Wix Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Miss Seana Henry
Address Wix’s Lane, Clapham Common North Side, London, SW4 0AJ
Phone Number 02072283055
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 289
Local Authority Wandsworth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are expected to work hard.

Teachers make sure every pupil can read for both enjoyment and learning. Pupils also learn to write well and gain strong skills in mathematics.

Pupils enjoy coming to this school.

They feel safe and well cared for. Pupils are helped to settle in the school, regardless of when they start. Each child is valued, well known by staff and given the help they need to succeed.

Pupils have very positive attitudes to their learning. They said learning is fun and they are keen to do well. They show pride in their work.

They readily take note of comments from teachers on their mistakes and how to do better.

Pup...ils behave well and get on with each other. From the youngest in the Nursery, children are taught what is expected of them and how to manage their own behaviour.

This sets them up well for their future lives.

Pupils said that if bullying happened, they knew they could tell an adult who would see that it was dealt with.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and staff are determined to ensure that every pupil is provided with the best education possible.

An outstanding start in the early years prepares children exceptionally well for Year 1. Activities are engaging and exciting. They take full account of children's stages of growth and development.

Children thrive because they are well cared for. They learn how to get on with each other and be confident learners. Staff maintain a strong focus on early language skills and a love of books.

Leaders provide extra help if any child struggles with speech and communication skills or is at risk of falling behind.

Teaching is effective and provides pupils with interesting and challenging things to do. Teachers plan work to meet pupils' learning needs so that all enjoy the same opportunities for learning.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) learn well.

Teachers know what they want pupils to learn. They check that pupils are knowing and remembering more.

Teachers provide pupils with helpful whole-class and individual feedback. This ensures that pupils learn well. Any misconceptions are corrected as they arise.

All pupils benefit from this approach.

Pupils study all the English national curriculum subjects. Pupils in the bilingual stream do not miss out.

The curriculum covers a rich and broad range of knowledge. Pupils achieve well in reading, writing and mathematics.

Provision for reading and mathematics is exceptionally strong.

The school's ethos of 'learn to read and read to learn' shines through. Pupils are able to read accurately, fluently and understand what they are reading. This helps them develop their writing.

Pupils build and master knowledge securely in mathematics and can recall it later. They are confident in applying previously learned knowledge to solve harder problems. Standards at the end of the early years, Year 2 and Year 6 are high.

Pupils benefit from teachers' strong subject knowledge. Leaders ensure that class teachers are highly skilled. Specialist expertise in music, dance, physical education (PE) and French leads to pupils learning well and enjoying these subjects.

New schemes of work have been put in place for science, PE and foreign languages. Leaders are reviewing the full impact of these new plans. Planning is under development in geography and in history, where leaders want to increase pupils' broader knowledge.

Leaders place much emphasis on pupils' personal development. For example, the 'CARE' (Considerate, Articulate, Responsible, Effort) and 'excellent learner' approaches help pupils develop self-confidence and respect. This positive behaviour helps them to enjoy the challenge of difficult work.

Pupils are becoming more actively involved in school and show an increasing keenness to contribute to school life. Leaders are working to provide more opportunities. For example, the recent introduction of the eco council is exciting pupils and enabling them to make active contributions.

The school is well led and managed. The trust has worked with determination to secure improvements, particularly to the curriculum. Staff across the trust's four schools work together to plan their teaching.

This sharing of expertise and resources is of much benefit to pupils and keeps staff workload manageable.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The school site is secure.

Well-planned systems take account of the shared use of the site with Lycée Charles de Gaulle. Leaders ensure that they and staff are well trained to identify signs and symptoms of abuse, and that they understand the importance of acting should they have a concern. Pupils' safeguarding needs are met well, with other agencies used to support pupils and their families if needed.

Pupils learn about how to keep themselves safe in different situations, including when they are online. Leaders make sure that staff are checked thoroughly to ensure that they are suitable to work with pupils.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

The school's schemes of work for reading and mathematics are highly structured.

This ensures that pupils build strong knowledge and skills in these subjects from Nursery to Year 6. Leaders should complete their evaluations about the impact of the new plans in science, PE and modern languages. They should complete the new plans for geography and history and ensure that these plans lead to pupils learning even better, including in their knowledge of the wider world and broader historical awareness.

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