Belmont Park School

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About Belmont Park School

Name Belmont Park School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Abedah Karim
Address Leyton Green Road, Leyton, London, E10 6DB
Phone Number 02085560006
Phase Special
Type Community special school
Age Range 10-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 25
Local Authority Waltham Forest
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school.

The school provides an environment in which students make significant improvements in their attitudes to learning. Their academic achievement is good as a result. Students in Key Stage 4 who remain at the school successfully complete a number of GCSE courses and other nationally accredited courses.

In 2013, all students gained either a functional skill or GCSE qualification in English and mathematics. Students say the school is a safe place in which to learn. They say there is no bullying and that there are lots of adults they can talk with should they feel the need to share a problem.

Teachers' high expectations and interesting... lessons ensure students enjoy learning and make good progress. Students' behaviour in and around the school is good. Those students who have found school challenging in the past settle quickly into the life of the school.

Learning mentors, some of whom provide one-to-one support for named students throughout the day, are highly effective in managing students' behaviour. The headteacher, her deputy and others with posts of responsibility provide good leadership and management at all levels. All staff want the best outcomes possible for students.

They make sure improvements in the quality of learning are sustained. Experienced governors know the school well. Their range of individual expertise enables them to hold the school to account, including checking on students' learning and progress.

It is not yet an outstanding school because : There is inconsistency in the quality of students' learning of key subject vocabulary. Some students are therefore not always making the very best progress in all subjects. Although the school provides suitable curriculum pathways for students' different levels of ability, there are not enough challenging courses for higher attaining students.

Information about this school

The school provides for students with extremely challenging behaviours. All have a statement of special educational needs for behavioural, emotional and social difficulties. In addition, a small minority of students have high level statements of special educational needs that require a dedicated learning support assistant at all times.

A small minority also have other complex needs. Currently, the very large majority of students are boys. There are similar proportions of students of White British backgrounds and Black or Black British backgrounds as found nationally.

A few are of mixed backgrounds and a very few are of Asian or Asian British backgrounds. A few are from homes where English is not the home language. The large majority of students are from Waltham Forest with a small minority from other London boroughs.

A very few are currently in secure accommodation, whilst remaining on the roll of the school. All students at the school are eligible for the pupil premium, which provides additional government funding to support those known to be eligible for free school meals and children in local authority care. Currently, there are a few students in local authority care.

Students are allowed to take early entry GCSE examinations. Pupils new to the school are admitted at any time throughout the year, including a few who transfer from mainstream schools. Almost all have had a number of school moves prior to joining Belmont Park.

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