Belmore Primary Academy

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About Belmore Primary Academy

Name Belmore Primary Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Rose Taunt
Address Belmore Primary Academy, Hayes, UB4 9LF
Phone Number 01895462364
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 602
Local Authority Hillingdon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders have high expectations for pupils' learning and achievement.

Pupils are enthusiastic about their learning. They are sensible and respectful of others, and they are kind and considerate.

The school community is calm and friendly.

Staff notice quickly if any pupil needs extra support, such as for their learning or behaviour. Pupils use the 'feelings box' to express on paper if they have any worries. Staff take swift action to put pupils' minds at rest should any issues arise.

Pupils are safe at school.

Pupils enjoy taking on positions of responsibility. Members of the pupil council and prefects contribute positively to the life of the, presenting assemblies and leading on initiatives such as road safety.

Pupil ambassadors present certificates to selected pupils who have demonstrated the school's values by, for example, showing resilience and learning from mistakes.

Pupils broaden their experiences on educational visits, including to different places of worship. Pupils are encouraged to respect the diversity of backgrounds represented in the school.

There is a wide range of extra-curricular clubs, including sports, music and art. Members of the large school choir were delighted to perform in concerts with other schools.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils study a wide range of subjects.

Leaders have thought about the knowledge and skills that pupils are taught. Throughout the school, routines are well established. High-quality resources support pupils' learning.

Leaders consider staff workload when making changes to school policies and practice.

Teachers have strong subject knowledge. They encourage pupils' use of technical vocabulary and are alert to pupils' misconceptions.

They provide clear explanations and help pupils to deepen their thinking. In the early years, adults model the correct use of language, adeptly developing children's communication skills. Pupils are familiar with, and respond swiftly to, staff's expectations.

They are attentive and listen carefully. Teachers regularly check pupils' understanding and provide regular opportunities for them to recall and reinforce prior learning.

The school provides a well-organised programme for the teaching of early reading and phonics.

Teachers and teaching assistants receive essential training to ensure that the programme is followed consistently. Pupils learn to use phonics accurately and to read fluently. Staff use assessments to identify any gaps in pupils' learning.

Pupils who fall behind receive well-planned additional support, which enables them to catch up quickly. Older pupils in the school read widely and often and regularly choose books from the school's library. Younger children who are learning phonics have access to resources and books to help them practise the sounds they are learning.

In a few cases, children do not access a wide variety of books, either at school or to borrow and take home, to read and to nurture their love of reading. The school is developing a more systematic approach to checking children's reading routines in order to promote reading for pleasure at school and at home.

Staff work with external professionals to ensure that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive support to meet their needs.

Staff in the early years identify children with SEND promptly and use a range of well-chosen resources to help them to learn the same curriculum as others. Leaders' revised programme of staff training is in the early stages of implementation, and there is some variation in the use made of specific strategies to help individual pupils with SEND. Occasionally, lesson content moves on to more complex ideas before pupils with SEND have a secure understanding of what they have learned previously.

The school provides a comprehensive programme of personal, social and health education, which includes relationships and sex education. Pupils are taught about a wide range of themes, including age-appropriate coverage of issues such as healthy and unhealthy relationships and body changes. Leaders work with outside organisations who support the programme.

Staff are trained to deliver and follow up sensitive issues. Leaders track pupils' participation in enrichment opportunities carefully and encourage all to attend clubs and activities.

The school has strong routines to ensure that pupils attend school regularly.

Leaders are tenacious in their work to follow up absences and check pupils' safety. Staff work productively with outside agencies to help families overcome barriers to pupils' attendance.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Occasionally, pupils' access to reading books is not well organised. This limits pupils' opportunities to read widely at school, to take books home and to develop a love for reading. Leaders should implement their revised plans to increase pupils' access to a wide range of books to read at school and to borrow and read at home.

• In a few cases, staff do not ensure that pupils with SEND know and understand key subject content before moving on to more complex concepts. When this occurs, pupils with SEND struggle to keep up with others. Leaders should ensure that their revised training programme for staff is fully implemented so that all staff use appropriate strategies to support pupils with SEND.

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