Belvue School

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About Belvue School

Name Belvue School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Sana Bhopal
Address Rowdell Road, Northolt, UB5 6AG
Phone Number 02088455766
Phase Special
Type Community special school
Age Range 11-19
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 226
Local Authority Ealing
Highlights from Latest Inspection


Belvue School continues to be a good school.

What is it like to attend this school?

Making sure that pupils feel safe and are safe is everyone's priority at Belvue. This is central to the school's work to make sure that pupils are well prepared for their lives beyond school.

Pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe and to understand the importance of knowing who to talk to when they are worried about something. Pupils are well prepared for the next stage in their education or employment. This is because leaders make sure that pupils' futures are central to all decision-making.

Pupils are well supported to develop their independence. They are taught how to deal with th...e real-life challenges they may face.

Teachers support pupils well to meet their high expectations of behaviour.

Pupils know that bullying is not tolerated, and that they will get the support needed if it happens.

All parents and carers who responded to the online questionnaire and all those spoken to during the inspection agreed that their children enjoy coming to school. Teachers know pupils' needs well.

Relationships between pupils and adults are respectful.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff work well together to create an environment in which pupils can succeed. They know that some pupils have struggled to achieve in their previous schools.

This unites staff in focusing closely on pupils' individual needs and strengths.

Leaders and teachers choose carefully what pupils should learn. They have constructed a broad, relevant and interesting curriculum for pupils to study.

From the time pupils join the school, leaders and teachers focus on the key skills and knowledge which pupils will need in the world of work and to live independently. For example, students in the sixth form learn about cooking, travelling independently and managing money.

Teachers understand how to support pupils to make progress through the curriculum.

They have high expectations of what pupils can achieve. They plan lessons which build on pupils' skills and knowledge over time. They make sure that pupils have opportunities to remember what they have been taught before.

Teachers check for gaps in pupils' knowledge so that they can revisit learning which is not secure. This is successful in developing pupils' confidence and in helping them remember the vocabulary and concepts they have learned. Teachers make sure that pupils have the right level of support in lessons.

Pupils are clear about what is expected of them.

Depending on their individual needs, pupils communicate using a variety of methods. To develop the strength of the reading curriculum, leaders have adopted a new phonics programme.

Leaders have provided training for all staff across the school. However, leaders have not yet checked that the programme and the training are being used as they intend.

Students in the sixth form value their education highly.

They enjoy everything the school has to offer. They particularly enjoy the broad curriculum, which includes horticulture, glass-making and use of the school's gym. Pupils achieve a range of externally accredited qualifications, including GCSEs.

They value the guidance they get from their teachers about their next steps. Students in the sixth form spoke enthusiastically about the discussions they have had about what they can do when they leave the school, including employment options. Leaders make sure that the careers guidance programme is embedded throughout the school.

This means that nobody loses sight of the importance of preparing pupils for adulthood.

The personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education curriculum is successful in developing pupils' confidence and self-esteem. It develops pupils' awareness of their personal safety.

A strength of the programme is the way in which pupils are taught about keeping themselves safe. Pupils spoke positively about how these lessons have developed their confidence to speak out and express themselves.

Staff manage pupils' behaviour expertly and with respect.

They are attentive and responsive. They notice the smallest of cues in pupils' behaviour, and use the least intrusive intervention necessary. This results in pupils experiencing success rather than failure.

Leaders and governors are conscious of teachers' workload and take practical steps to reduce the hours teachers spend on site. The vast majority of staff are proud to work at the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff know the risks pupils face in and outside of school. They know about the various ways pupils might be exploited, for example by being drawn into county lines activities or when using the internet. Staff understand and follow the school's procedures for reporting concerns.

Records are meticulous. Leaders responsible for safeguarding check that staff and other agencies take the necessary steps to keep pupils safe. The school's family support workers provide high-quality support so that pupils and families get the help they need quickly.

Staff who oversee recruitment checks take their roles seriously.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Leaders have taken steps to strengthen the teaching of phonics by introducing a well-structured programme accompanied by regular training for all staff. Leaders have not checked thoroughly how well the programme is being implemented.

Leaders should ensure that staff across the school are implementing the programme consistently and well. Leaders should ensure that the training staff have received is making a difference to pupils' reading.


When we have judged a school to be good, we will then normally go into the school about once every four years to confirm that the school remains good.

This is called a section 8 inspection of a good or outstanding school, because it is carried out under section 8 of the Education Act 2005. We do not give graded judgements on a section 8 inspection. However, if we find evidence that a school would now receive a higher or lower grade, then the next inspection will be a section 5 inspection.

Usually this is within one to two years of the date of the section 8 inspection. If we have serious concerns about safeguarding, behaviour or the quality of education, we will deem the section 8 inspection as a section 5 inspection immediately.

This is the second section 8 inspection since we judged the school to be good in October 2013.

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