Bentley Wood High School

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About Bentley Wood High School

Name Bentley Wood High School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Naseema Akbar
Address Clamp Hill, Stanmore, HA7 3JW
Phone Number 02089543623
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Girls
Number of Pupils 1375
Local Authority Harrow
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils develop into confident and caring young people at this school. The school sets high expectations for both behaviour and achievement.

Pupils demonstrate exceptional behaviour and focus well in the classroom. They are respectful towards each other and their teachers, and understand the importance of positive attitudes. This is underpinned by the school's values of CARE: communication, achievement, respect and empathy, which are embraced by the school community.

Pupils feel safe at this school. They are confident that teachers would respond if an issue were to be raised and that bullying is rare.

Pupils, including those students in the sixth form, achieve... incredibly well.

GCSE results in 2023 were exceptional. The wide range of subjects available to pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), gives them the opportunity to follow their interests.

Pupils benefit from many opportunities to do well and enjoy their time at school.

Pupils are encouraged to be expressive and creative through the curriculum and through wider opportunities. They regularly contribute to school life through the many activities available during lunchtime and after school, including netball, slam poetry and a rock band.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has placed breadth at the heart of its curriculum decision-making.

Leaders have thoughtfully set out a balance of subjects for pupils to study at GCSE level, supporting their vision of providing a diverse curriculum. This begins with an expectation that all pupils will study languages in Years 7 to 11 and allows almost all pupils to access the full English Baccalaureate. In the sixth form, students are offered a wide choice of qualifications through the school and its collegiate partners.

Students achieve very well in their A levels and are given personalised guidance when choosing the right next destination for them.

The curriculum is structured with clarity across subject areas. Careful thought has been given to the order in which topics are taught and how to build in local and cultural relevance.

Teachers are experts in their subjects and build pupils' confidence by offering clear and helpful feedback. This is evident in reading, where leaders quickly assess pupils' needs and provide clear support to ensure that pupils can catch up if they have fallen behind. Teachers are well trained and use well-selected resources to build up reading fluency.

As a result, pupils love reading and read regularly outside the classroom.

Teachers have high ambitions for what pupils will achieve, and pupils rise to these. For example, in science, pupils can explain complex energy concepts in visual and written form from the start of Year 8 using high-level vocabulary.

Teachers are quick to check that pupils understand the ideas presented in lessons and skilful in clarifying and closing gaps if these emerge. The needs of pupils with SEND are identified accurately and met both in class and in the wider curriculum through a range of after-school clubs and activities. These pupils receive excellent support, and the school ensures that they access the same curriculum and opportunities as their peers.

Pupils show the utmost respect towards each other in class. They are attentive and work hard due to the clear routines that are set by the school. They are encouraged to show independent learning habits.

They are self-organised and able to understand clearly what they need to focus on to improve their learning further. Leaders are very aware of pupils' attendance levels at school and ensure that expectations for being present are embedded, including in the sixth form.

The programme in place for pupils' personal development is unique.

The school offers a 'learning journey' of connected opportunities, which starts in Year 7. Pupils take on a multitude of roles, including as human rights ambassadors and advocates for mental health. In the sixth form, responsibilities include organising activities and clubs for younger pupils and acting as clear role models.

These roles extend into the community and include a student-led drive to volunteer at a local food bank.

The school is successful in teaching pupils to be active in the community through its personal, social, health and economic education curriculum. For example, pupils use their morning tutor time to explore 'wise thoughts', which includes giving presentations to each other on important issues, such as anti-bullying.

They are also provided with personalised careers guidance that builds in meaningful work experience and interactions with industry to help shape pupils' thinking about their future options.

Trustees and the local governing body work effectively to oversee the work of leaders in the school. They know the school well, hold leaders to account and support them appropriately through changes as these occur over time.

Leaders have ensured that teachers are well supported in becoming subject experts and well trained in their craft. Teachers and the wider staff are happy to be a part of this school's team.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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