Bevendean Primary School and Nursery

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About Bevendean Primary School and Nursery

Name Bevendean Primary School and Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Mark Dally
Address Heath Hill Avenue, Lower Bevendean, Brighton, BN2 4JP
Phone Number 01273681292
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 326
Local Authority Brighton and Hove
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive at this inclusive school. The school keeps pupils at the heart of every decision. It expects, and receives, the best of everyone.

Staff have high expectations of all pupils, and pupils respond well to these. Pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve highly and are well prepared for their next steps.

Pupils' behaviour is impeccable.

Routines are well established and support pupils to make the right choices. The school is a calm and purposeful learning environment. Pupils value nurturing relationships with staff.

During lessons, they are absorbed in their learning. Pupils consistently try ...their best, achieving highly across the curriculum.

The school provides wide and varied opportunities to develop pupils' character.

Pupils relish opportunities that bring their learning to life. These include visits to museums and trying out new experiences, including paddleboarding. Pupils enjoy helping others.

They apply for and carry out leadership roles, including as house captains or the elected school council. Pupils are empathetic, understanding that their friends may have challenges different to their own. They have trusted adults that they can talk to and share any worries or concerns.

As a result, pupils feel valued and safe in school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school understands the local community that it serves well. It uses this information with precision to provide a rich and engaging curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils.

Leaders have identified and sequenced the important knowledge that pupils are to learn. The governing body keeps a close oversight of the curriculum. Governors support and challenge the school to make relevant refinements when required.

This, along with ambitious, knowledgeable and expert staff, brings about strong outcomes for all pupils.

Teachers' subject knowledge is secure. The school ensures that teachers are provided with the training and support that they need to implement the curriculum with expertise.

Overall, staff explain new concepts with precision and use a range of strategies to check on pupils' understanding effectively. In mathematics, for example, staff identify pupils who require additional support, intervening swiftly to help them keep up. They adapt activities well to ensure that pupils with different needs access their learning successfully.

However, the school does not ensure that pupils develop their writing skills across the curriculum. This limits opportunities for pupils to apply their knowledge and deepen their understanding.

Reading is prioritised for every year group.

Across the curriculum, pupils are provided with a rich repertoire of books and authors reflecting their own diverse backgrounds. Children in the early years are immersed in activities relating to their class stories. The school has made sure that staff who deliver the phonics curriculum are well trained.

Pupils practise reading from books that contain the sounds that they have learned. When pupils struggle with reading, the school makes sure that they get the help that they need to develop into confident and successful readers.Pupils with SEND, including those in the specially resourced provision for deaf pupils, are well supported.

Leaders make sure that pupils' needs are swifty and accurately identified. They ensure that teachers are provided with the information that they need to support pupils well in class. They work closely with parents and carers to understand more about pupils' particular needs.

As a result, pupils with SEND access the same well-planned curriculum as their peers and achieve well.

The quality of education in the early years enables all children to make gains in their learning. In Nursery and Reception, children cooperate very well with adults and each other.

They enjoy riding bikes and using other outdoor play facilities to learn important skills, such as balance and coordination. Children develop important language skills, count well and begin to understand the world around them. However, there is not enough focus given to early writing, in particular letter formation.

This means that some pupils entering Year 1 struggle to write with confidence.

The school takes effective action to ensure that pupils attend regularly. For those pupils who need more support, the school liaises effectively with families to bring about improvements.

This is making a distinct and positive difference, including for disadvantaged pupils.

The school is highly committed to ensuring all pupils take part in opportunities that promote their personal development. Pupils develop a mature understanding about their own emotional health.

They are open about their own individual challenges and keen to help others experiencing difficulties. Staff provide timely and sensitive support if and when needed. Pupils value the support they receive from staff in the 'Rainbow Room', which helps them identify and manage their emotions.

These combine to give pupils the tools and words to express their thoughts and feelings. The school provides exceptional support for pupils as they move between year groups. This helps to reduce pupils' anxiety.

An interesting range of clubs and trips enrich pupils' experience and help to broaden their horizons. These opportunities enable pupils to develop and share their talents.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The school has not ensured that pupils apply what they learn in English to their writing across the curriculum, and pupils are not given sufficient opportunities to apply their writing skills in a way that deepens their understanding in different subjects. Some younger children in the early years do not consistently form letters correctly. The school should ensure that staff have the knowledge and expertise to address errors in letter formation and promote relevant writing opportunities.

Also at this postcode
Activ8 Bevendean WAC

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