Bexley Grammar School

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About Bexley Grammar School

Name Bexley Grammar School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Hugh Gilmore
Address Danson Lane, Welling, DA16 2BL
Phone Number 02083048538
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1478
Local Authority Bexley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders' expectations of pupils are very high in all aspects of school life. Pupils study a challenging curriculum and are very well prepared to become responsible citizens.

Relationships between staff and pupils are extremely positive.

Pupils value the pastoral support they receive. They appreciate that staff reach out to offer support before pupils ask for it.

Pupils feel safe.

The school is calm and orderly at all times. Younger pupils say that older pupils treat them with respect. Pupils report that bullying is rare and acted upon quickly.

Pupils take part in a wide range of after-school activities. Of particular note is the number of started and run by pupils. For example, the Afro Caribbean Society and the Art and Rocket clubs.

All pupils are encouraged to take part in house competitions and drama, music and sports activities.

All Year 9 pupils and sixth-form students support the school community. They mentor younger pupils and lead after-school activities and house competitions.

Sixth form-students support the teaching of personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) to younger pupils.

Parents and carers overwhelmingly praise the school. One parent reflected the views of many saying, 'My child is very happy in this exciting, challenging, diverse school.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have ensured that pupils learn knowledge that goes beyond that set out in the national curriculum. For example, in Year 9 pupils study the standard model of particle physics in science.

In Years 10 and 11, all pupils study three sciences, two languages and history and/or geography.

This means that all pupils study the English Baccalaureate suite of subjects. Sixth form students study the International Baccalaureate. Students are able to choose six subjects that match their interests and support their ambitions.

Leaders emphasise the development of independent learning in all year groups. For example, in Years 7, 8 and 9 pupils complete an extended project in each subject.

Subject leaders have thought carefully about what they want pupils to learn and the order in which they should learn it.

This allows pupils to achieve demanding learning goals. Important knowledge is revisited when it is needed to access a new lesson. For example, in sport science pupils revisited their understanding of diabetes.

This meant they could then successfully learn about the risk factors for developing diabetes.Teachers are specialists in their subject and have strong subject knowledge. They prioritise the teaching of subject-specific vocabulary.

Teachers present new ideas clearly and check after each step. They quickly identify pupils who need further help and provide it.

Pupils complete termly formal assessments.

Leaders use these to identify pupils who need additional help. Pupils appreciate the individual support they receive in person outside of lessons, including online.

Teachers adapt their teaching using detailed information about pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

This ensures pupils with SEND achieve just as well as their peers. Weaker readers receive targeted support and quickly become fluent readers.

Pupils take pride in their work.

There is little variation in the quality of work seen in books. Pupils are confident when discussing their learning. They have a good recall of what they have learned.

Pupils meet the demanding learning goals set by leaders.

Staff have very high expectations of behaviour and pupils meet these. Low-level disruption is very rare.

Pupils are keen and eager to learn. They become immersed in lessons as soon as they start.

Attendance is high.

There are robust measures to support those whose attendance dips.

Pupils' views on PSHE education help teachers decide what to teach. For example, pupils supported staff training by detailing how they use their mobile phones and the aspects they wanted further advice about.

In PSHE education, pupils listen respectfully to others. For example, pupils listened to their peers talk about their use of social media and its impact on their mental health.

Leaders ensure that pupils receive high-quality careers education.

This includes input from a range of speakers. Pupils appreciate the regular talks by scientists and engineers from diverse backgrounds. In the sixth form, students are very well supported with university and apprenticeship applications.

Vulnerable learners are identified and given additional careers support.

Staff are proud to work at the school. Leaders engage with them about their well-being and workload.

Staff speak highly about the training they have received. For example, teachers of English have learned how to teach higher order thinking skills.

Governors have very high expectations and hold leaders to account.

Governors and leaders ensure that they respond to the emerging needs of pupils and staff. As a result, there is greater pastoral support following the pandemic.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders promote a strong safeguarding culture throughout the school.

Staff attend regular training, so they can identify when to report a concern. Leaders ensure that any concerns are acted upon.

Leaders work in partnership with external agencies to secure help for pupils. Where leaders cannot secure external help they provide support through mentoring and counselling.

Pupils learn about safeguarding in PSHE.

Pupils and parents value the PSHE workshops that focus on topics in detail. These cover school priorities, including mental health and sexual harassment.

Leaders carry out relevant checks on the suitability of adults working at the school.

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