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The school is a welcoming, inclusive and nurturing environment.
It is clear that everybody matters here. Pupils are happy and thrive because they are valued and well supported. Leaders' vision that every child develops a love of life and learning is woven into all that the school does.
Pupils are inspired to be curious. They are fascinated to learn new things.
Pupils are excellent role models.
They respectfully follow adults' high expectations. Their behaviour and attitudes to learning are exemplary. Pupils are polite, kind and friendly.
The school goes above and beyond to provide memorable experiences for pupils. For example, pupils experie...nce surfing or learn to play the piano. Pupils learn important skills, such as how to save, budget and spend money responsibly.
Pupils enjoy making healthy meals in cookery club, for example.
Pupils feel safe at school. They trust adults to look after them.
Bullying is rare. Pupils say that they always have someone to talk to. They confirm that adults quickly sort out any problems.
The vast majority of parents express their delight in the school. They typically comment on the 'family' feel of the school and say that staff listen to their views.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and staff work together effectively to provide pupils with an ambitious and rich education.
They have created a strong team spirit at the school. Governors and trust leaders support the school well. Staff are motivated and morale is high because leaders consider staff's well-being and workload.
The curriculum is broad, and sequenced in a logical way. The crucial knowledge, skills and vocabulary leaders expect pupils to learn are identified clearly. Pupils routinely revisit previous learning to consolidate their understanding.
For instance, in mathematics, Year 5 pupils use 'flashbacks' to recall what they know about short division. They apply this knowledge to practise and secure their skills further. Staff explain concepts clearly and regularly check how well pupils progress through the curriculum.
However, at times, assessment does not identify when pupils would benefit from greater challenge.
Pupils develop a love of reading. Children learn to read as soon as they start school in the early years.
The phonics curriculum is embedded and taught consistently well. Therefore, pupils develop the skills they need to be confident, fluent readers. Pupils learn wider reading skills, such as inference and deduction.
Pupils enjoy learning new vocabulary, such as 'palaeontologist' and 'tenaciously'. Leaders swiftly identify when pupils find reading difficult and provide extra help. As a result, pupils increase their confidence and improve their accuracy.
Leaders and staff forge caring, supportive partnerships with pupils. They know pupils well. They swiftly identify the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
These are met well through targeted and highly effective academic and pastoral support. Consequently, all pupils are supported to learn the curriculum successfully.
Pupils have a thirst for learning.
They concentrate well and persevere with their learning. Low-level disruption is extremely rare. Pupils readily share their opinions and make thoughtful contributions to discussions.
Staff provide sensitive, caring support for pupils who struggle to manage their emotions. This has a striking impact on helping pupils to recognise and manage their feelings.
The school's work to support pupils' personal development is exceptional.
Leaders thoughtfully plan opportunities to open pupils' eyes to the wider world. For example, pupils regularly discuss events in the news. Pupils make a contribution to their local community, such as visiting residents in the local care home.
Pupils reflect sensitively on the plight of others when they raise money for worthy causes. Pupils proudly take on positions of responsibility, as part of the school council or as leaders of worship, for example.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders are vigilant, and prioritise pupils' safety and well-being. They make the necessary checks to ensure that all staff are safe to work with children. Leaders provide staff with safeguarding training.
Staff understand how to recognise when a pupil might be at risk. They know how to refer concerns.
Leaders seek advice when pupils need extra help.
They record their actions and routinely check that these are making a difference.
Pupils know how to stay safe. For example, they learn about internet safety and road safety.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Staff sometimes do not use assessment to make sure that the curriculum is well matched to pupils' age and ability. Therefore, pupils, at times, are not sufficiently challenged by their learning. Leaders should ensure that assessment accurately identifies what pupils have learned before to inform curriculum planning.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.